Catholic women’s council — 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. June 9 at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral. Join for part or all of the annual meeting of the Phoenix Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Open to all ladies of the diocese. Event includes a business meeting, Mass with Bishop Olmsted, Women of the Year awards and lunch. Cost: $25. Info.
Cultural Diversity Mass/musical prelude — 4 p.m. June 9 at St. Patrick Parish in Scottsdale. Ethnic groups will provide a musical prelude followed by a 5 p.m. liturgy with Bishop Olmsted. A free multicultural reception and buffet follows. Info.
Feast of Corpus Christi/Start perpetual adoration — 10 a.m. June 10 at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral. The parish will kick off perpetual eucharistic adoration at the conclusion of the 9 a.m. TV Mass.