Get ready for Mass — anytime online at FaithandLiveTV.com. Take three minutes with Mark Hart, executive vice president of Life Teen to prepare yourself to better understand and apply the words you will hear from this Sunday’s readings.
After Mass — 10:15 a.m.-ish March 3 on AZ-TV 7/Cable 13 and online. Following the 9 a.m. televised Mass, catch episode 3 of Fr. Charlie Goraieb’s Lenten series, “Hope for the Seeker.” The episode will focus on the three pillars of Lenten spirituality. Find archived episodes online.
Market on the Move — 6-10 a.m.-ish March 2 at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Queen Creek (map). Join the 3000 Club/Market on the Move from 6-8 a.m. to assemble produce boxes. At 8 a.m. until the food runs out, the public can purchase 60 pounds of fruits and vegetables for $10.
Rummage Sale — 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 1 at St. Clare of Assisi in Surprise (map). Find your new treasure in the parish hall and parking lot.
Hike for the homeless — 8 a.m. March 2 at two locations (Estrella Mountain Regional Park in Goodyear and McDowell Mountain Regional Park in Fountain Hills). Registration is closed. Funds benefit St. Joseph the Worker which helps put the homeless back to work. Info.
Take Back the Night 2013 — 4:30-8:30 p.m. March 1 at Civic Space Park (map). Take Back the Night is a global grassroots movement uniting communities to speak out against all forms of sexual and domestic violence. This year in Arizona, Take Back the Night is working to change the culture of rape in our community by educating and advocating for those most at-risk. Maggie’s Place will be among those hosting a table.
Media and art . . .
Spring concert — 7:30 p.m. March 2 at St. Maria Goretti in Scottsdale (map). Violinist Michelle Vallier and organist Skye Hart will present a free-will offering concert. Funds support the parish’s music program and young musician scholarships.
Interfaith Choir Festival — March 3 at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church (map). The choir from St. Steven Parish will be among the performers in this 18th annual event. Tickets: $5 from parish office or at weekend Masses.
Tramor — 7-9 p.m. March 1 at St. Steven in Sun Lakes (map). Hear new traditional Welsh music of John Good, known in the U.S. and his native Wales as a multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter, composer and poet. A Welsh dancer will also perform. Tickets: $10 adults and $5 students. Call Diane at (480) 895-9266 ext. 107 or email diane@ststevensaz.org or online.
“The Way to Life” — 6-7 p.m. March 2 on EWTN. A look at the mysterious way in which God calls us to follow him, including the story of a young man who travels the road of Saint James and is inspired to know more about religious vocations. Click on “Live Satellite Video” to watch online.
The Bible miniseries — March 3 on History Channel. About the docudrama from Mark Burnett. Available on DVD April 2.
“In Concert: Luigi Cherubini’s Solemn Mass in G Major” — 1:30-2:30 p.m. EST March 3 on EWTN. Performance of a composition originally written in 1814 for the coronation of France’s King Louis XVIII. Click on “Live Satellite Video” to watch online.