It’s graduation season and schools across the Diocese of Phoenix are coordinating special moments for preschoolers, kindergarteners, eighth-graders plus high school and college seniors.
Take a look at some photos that have crossed our social media feeds. Click on them to see more from that campus.
A Seton Catholic Preparatory graduate receives her diploma from MaryBeth Mueller, superintendent for the Diocese of Phoenix May 19. (photo courtesy of Greg Herriman)Family and friends of Our Lady of Perpetual Help eighth-graders laid their hands over the graduates as they were told to go forth and spread the Good News during their May 19 Mass at the Scottsdale school. (photo from parish Facebook page)Graduates pray prior to the first commencement ceremony for Benedictine University at Mesa May 16 (left) and turn their tassels (right). (photo courtesy of Benedictine University at Mesa)
See how parents pulled off a triple graduation weekend for their triplets in Random college news
Notre Dame Preparatory graduates May 16. (photo by NDP students Caroline Strolic, Akachi Okafor and TJ Yunger)The eighth-graders presented St. John XXIII School with a portable altar during their last all-school Mass May 20. (photo from St. John XXIII Facebook page)Maggie Otlewski, Elisa Chavez and Mariam Polo-Petros studied at the Tempe campus, but traveled to U-Mary’s North Dakota campus for graduation in early May. (photo from University of Mary-Tempe Facebook page)Xavier College Preparatory seniors fill the front rows of St. Francis Xavier during its May 16 graduation ceremony. (photos courtesy of Duke Photography)