We couldn’t help but notice a few headlines crossing our way lately about the two — including fashion at the Vatican.
The annual Xavier Scholarship Fashion Show is March 11 at JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort. Expect to see more than 250 students from Xavier College Preparatory and neighboring Brophy College Preparatory from the class of 2018 walking down the runway in fine fashion.
The long-running fashion show began in the 1950s and later showcased the fashions that Xavier students created in their home economics classes. Today, students strut their stuff in quality, professional pieces.
This year’s Scholarship Fashion Show theme is “Shine,” which honors Xavier’s 75th anniversary and the academically capable, but less-than-privileged students that the school helps shine. Proceeds become scholarship dollars for the more than 40 percent of Xavier students who receive financial assistance. (UPDATE March 14: photos from the fashion show)

If you’d like to read more about a Catholic who was legitimately in the fashion industry, consider this Q&A with an Adrian Dominican who studied and taught fashion before professing final vows last Advent. The post even has a photo of some clothing she redesigned for a liturgical dance performance.
And coming to the Metropolitan Museums of Art’s Costume Institute in New York, is an exhibit, “Heavenly Bodies. Fashion and the Catholic Imagination,” which includes more than 100 pieces from top designers inspired by Catholic symbolism and art, as well as 40 vestments and accoutrements from the papal office of liturgical celebrations.
The exhibit will be spread over three locations in Manhattan May 10-Oct. 8. See related article, “Runway to heaven: Vatican, The Met piece together faith and fashion,” from Catholic News Service/National Catholic Reporter for more info.