Singles of all ages wonder why it’s so hard to meet, date and marry today. In fact, 50 percent of America is single and fewer people are committing to marriage, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014. Dating has been replaced by “hooking up” and “hanging out,” making the traditional days of “courtship” obsolete. Or, has it?
A few years ago, one of the most popular professors of Philosophy at Boston College, Kerry Cronin, noticed this decreased dating trend among her undergrad students. “And I thought, ‘Well, this is crazy.’ So I started asking students to go on what I refer to as ‘traditional dates’ as part of an extra-credit assignment.”
However, the act of going on a date was more complicated than she thought. A combination of the prevalent “hook up” culture, as well as the preferred method of social interaction (texting) had all but obliterated skills of basic social interaction. And, so “The Dating Project” began, and her class quickly became one of the most popular courses at Boston College.
“The Dating Project” comes to cinemas nationwide April 17, through Fathom Events, as a special one-night event featuring an exclusive deep-dive discussion with Dating Project brainchild Professor Kerry Cronin of Boston College. Tickets can be purchased online or at participating theater box offices. It’s playing at six theaters throughout the Phoenix metro area.
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The documentary follows Professor Cronin and five modern-day singles (ages 20 – 40) in their own quest to find authentic love and meaningful relationships. By engaging in Cronin’s dating philosophy, her mentees find more fulfilling and lasting relationships. Response to this inspiring documentary has been overwhelming:
“There is a huge gulf between single life and relationships in the United States. This powerful documentary is a reflection of today’s culture with a surprising look at how one woman is shifting it, one single person at a time. The Dating Project is a must-see, no matter what your relationship status,” said Michael Scott, CEO and co-founder of Pure Flix.
The film also received critical acclaim from the Heartland Film Festival, the USA Film Festival, and the Downtown LA Film Festival, which awarded it the Audience Favorite Award.