Pre-Lenten novena (Holy Heroes) begins Feb. 26
#Take5 #Lent19 with Education in Virtue (via social media and the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist)
Daily reflections (
Lent series (Redeemed Online)
Best Lent Ever (Dynamic Catholic)
Weekly reflection (Mary’s Meals) Scripture-based and social action meditation
Lenten encounter (Franciscan Media)
Genesis to Jesus (St. Paul Center)
Related closed Facebook groupWith Lent just under 2 weeks away, here is a reminder of dates and regulations. #lent2019
— St. Symphorosa (@StSymphorosa) February 22, 2019Books
No Greater Love: A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion (Ascension)
5-part video series and full-length book
Into the Desert: A Journey of Sacrifice and Temptation (Life Teen)
includes Sunday Lenten and Triduum reflections plus related stories from high school teensPope Emeritus Benedict’s “Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week” (
Reflections for Lent and Easter: Cultivating the Gift of Self (USCCB)
Lenten Journal: The Paschal Mystery of Christ (Lumen Ecclesiae Press)
Lent (Pauline Books and Media)
Lent (Franciscan Media)
The Shed that Fed a Million Children (Mary’s Meals)
Consider the library first
For kids
Road to Easter – with stickers (Holy Heroes)
Family resources (Katie Warner)