Bishop John Dolan was a guest on ABC15 on Tuesday to talk about an annual water drive that benefits The Society of St. Vincent DePaul. With the increase in homelessness in our community, more lives are at risk. In 2022, Maricopa County saw 425 heat-associated deaths—a significant number of whom were people experiencing homelessness. This represents a 25-percent increase from the previous year. In the summer months, St. Vincent de Paul will give out more than 7,000 bottles of water a day to people in need who seek services and refuge at SVdP during Arizona’s most grueling season, with about 6,500 gallons disbursed weekly.

The easiest way to donate: Make a monetary donation online ( or at the register of your local Bashas’ or Food City. Together with Bashas’, SVdP can stretch every cent to purchase as much water as possible for those in need.