Dominic Bui, a seminarian for the Diocese of Phoenix, took another step closer to the priesthood on Saturday, October 21, when he was instituted as lector at Assumption Seminary in San Antonio, Texas.  

“When seminarians receive the ministries of lector and acolyte, which differ slightly from ministries of the same name exercised by lay persons, the Church recognizes the formation that has occurred in them and their willingness to embrace the ministries as another sign of their preparation for priestly ordination.  Dominic is currently in the Configuration Stage of Seminary formation,” said Fr. Kurt Perera, director of the Vocations Office.  

In the Configuration Stage, the seminarian models his life on the self-donation of Jesus Christ, Shepherd and Servant, as he prepares more immediately for Holy Orders. Reception of Candidacy, and conferral of the ministries of lector and acolyte occurs during this stage, marking the progressive deepening of this self-configuration to Christ in the liturgy, catechesis, evangelization, and active service to the poor. The end of this stage is marked by completion of all theological studies and formal seminary formation. 

Canon Law (1035 §1) states, “before anyone is promoted to the permanent or transitional diaconate, he is required to have received the ministries of lector and acolyte and to have exercised them for a suitable period of time.” 

This is the first step in the configuration stage. Up next for Bui will be installation as acolyte and then candidacy before ordination as a transitional deacon.