NEWS BRIEF: 14 men ordained permanent deacons for the Diocese of Phoenix

Before a standing room only crowd on Saturday morning, 14 men were ordained to the permanent deaconate at St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic Church in Scottsdale, Ariz. This was the largest cohort of deacons in recent years for the Diocese of Phoenix. Leading up to the day of ordination and lifelong call of service, candidates went through a rigorous formation program, including five years of study along with the two-year Kino Catechetical Institue program as part of their discernment.  

“Save the Pieces”

An abundance of flowers filled our living room, the refrigerator was stacked with homemade casseroles from friends and neighbors, and kind words of condolence were spoken. After my brother Tom died by suicide, there was an outpouring of support from the community, which got us through those initial hard days.I was just about to start eighth grade as my parents, seven other siblings and I went through this profound loss. In those first months after the funeral, there was a lot of what I call “incidental accompaniment”—people would share a kind word or gesture, “we are praying for you” and “our hearts go out to you,” but it was often one-time or in passing. After all, people don’t usually know what to say to someone who has lost a loved one by suicide.

Catholic Bishops of Arizona Statement on Standing in Solidarity with Immigrants

We would like to express our solidarity with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), numerous ecumenical and faith leaders, and many others, in their recent and continued support for immigrants. As your bishops, we remain concerned for the safety and welfare of all our flock, including migrants presently facing immense challenges.  Be assured that the Church will continue to advocate for the dignity and just treatment of migrants and will accompany them as much as we are able during this stressful time.   

Bishop Dolan launches historic seven-year pastoral plan on evangelization

Almost 500 years ago, a poor peasant wearing a simple cloak came face-to-face with a heavenly reality in the hills of Mexico – changing the lives of millions of people forever. When Juan Diego, a native Aztec and Christian convert, set out for catechism class one morning in December, he heard a voice calling him by name. He climbed the nearby Tepeyac hill and encountered the most beautiful woman he had ever seen – Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

A Year of Hope

There is a Hebrew term “shalom” which is often translated as “peace” and is spoken as a phrase of greeting and blessing. But it holds a much more profound meaning at its core – it portrays a concept that means “wholeness,” “restoration to fullness” and “completeness.” In Biblical times, if someone stole a loaf of bread from their neighbor, shalom was not simply making things right by replacing one loaf of bread with another. Rather, after taking this step, there would be an active effort on the part of both parties to restore right-relationship and to work together so that everyone had enough bread to go around.  

Bishop Dolan’s seven-year plan set to kick-off on December 28th

Saturday, Dec. 28 will be an exciting day for the Diocese of Phoenix, as Bishop John Dolan celebrates the first of six opening Masses to kick-off his seven-year pastoral plan on evangelization throughout the diocese and officially open the 2025 Jubilee Year. The inaugural Mass will be celebrated at 4:30 p.m. at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix in tandem with Pope Francis’ decree for every diocesan bishop to “celebrate Holy Mass as the solemn opening of the Jubilee Year” in every cathedral and co-cathedral throughout the world that same weekend, which he announced in his encyclical Spes non confundit. 

Bishop ushers in Jubilee Year at cathedral, launches sweeping diocese evangelization plan

With descriptions such as “wonderful,” “beautiful” and “exciting,” worshippers formally welcomed Bishop John Dolan’s seven-year pastoral plan on evangelization and the opening of the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee year in the Diocese of Phoenix on Saturday night at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix. Bishop Dolan presided at the first of six opening Masses throughout the diocese, launching his blueprint and ushering in the Jubilee year of hope declared by Pope Francis earlier this year. 

A beacon of light: St. Anthony Mission

It was not even a month after being declared a pilgrimage site in 2000 that St. Anthony Mission in Sacaton, Ariz., was up in flames, the fire caused by arson. Because of the fire, St. Anthony did not have that year of pilgrimage. Now, 25 years later, the new St. Anthony Mission Church stands as a beacon of hope not just for the Gila River Indian Community but for the whole Diocese of Phoenix.  It was at the dedication Mass in June of 2024 that Bishop John Dolan announced that St. Anthony Mission would be a pilgrimage site during the 2025 Jubilee year of hope.  

NEWS BRIEF: Bishop Dolan announces new Pastoral Council

Bishop John Dolan announced his new Pastoral Council for the Diocese of Phoenix on Sunday during Mass at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix. The 22-member council, comprised of clergy, religious and laity, attended the Mass, which aired live across the diocese on AZTV, Channel 7. An initiative established in October of 1965 as one of the many positive results of Vatican II, the pastoral council’s role is to investigate, consider, and to formulate practical conclusions about those things which pertain to pastoral works. Its president is the diocesan bishop.

Diocese to hold 2nd Mass of Remembrance for suicide victims

PHOENIX -- For the family or friends of an individual who dies by suicide, the pain, grief and despair can be devastating. Without a spiritual and emotional support system, the anguish can be compounded with a deep sense of loneliness.