Books: Benedictine oblate takes readers ‘Deep in the Wave’

We live in a desert, in what many see as a vast wasteland; but geologists tell us that this place was once a part...

Life of Father Augustus Tolton, the son of slaves, reads like a novel

This new, full color graphic book brings the story of the nation's first identified black priest to life in a 48-page, 12-by-9-inch novel aimed at helping young people and adults learn about Fr. Augustus Tolton's extraordinary life.

Nativity story’s significance continues to unfold today, pope writes

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Nativity story, like the whole story of Christ, is not merely an event in the past, but has unfolding significance for people today, with implications for such issues as the limits of political power and the purpose of human freedom, Pope Benedict writes in his third and final volume on the life and teachings of Jesus.

BOOKS: ‘The Secret of the Lost Mountain’

Literary critics, the world over, write critiques and reviews of novels every day. Catholic novels are something different or we wouldn’t label them “Catholic.” We can suppose that such novels contain our particular set of beliefs and practices and we know that all Catholic novels teach some kind of lesson.

Books: ‘Wing Tip’: Sure to be a Catholic classic

buy college essays It’s a good bet that people always want to know the future to bolster their sense of certainty, especially in an uncertain...

BOOKS: ‘Three Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus’

The book "Three Moments of the Day: Praying with the Heart of Jesus” is one of those tests of Church unity.

Award-winning coffee table book introduces readers to Southwestern saint

Everybody seems to have their own favorite saint; whole professions and vocations have their patron saints, and even some countries have a patron saint that stands out in their history. In the Southwest, we have Junípero Serra, OFM, who founded a total of 10 missions from Baja California to San Francisco.

BOOKS: Focus on who will be saved might be too scholarly for average reader

In "Will Many Be Saved," Ralph Martin is more specific, particularly when it comes to those engaged in the new evangelization. His focus is on the 16th section of "Lumen Gentium" (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church), the section that deals with who will be saved and missionary activity in the church.

BOOKS: ‘Christian Social Order’ — The authority of the Church’s teaching

With a deeper understanding of Church social doctrine and the willful act of putting away our useless pride, we can cease being Republicans or Democrats first and cease looking at the world only through a nationalistic lens.

Bishop’s book on sexual abuse crisis more about scandal than healing

The title of Bishop Robert E. Barron’s “Letter to a Suffering Church” led me — as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse — to hope for a book like Fr. Thomas Berg’s excellent 2017 work “Hurting in the Church.”