Padre Kino, missionary on sainthood path, is recognized as symbol of unity

For Rafael Barceló Durazo, who grew up across the border from Arizona in the Mexican state of Sonora, Venerable Father Eusebio Kino is a symbol of unity.

‘Real + True’ project aims to bring Catholic Catechism to the masses

Real + True features videos in multiple languages and innovative content to present the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a living voice for the modern world.

Heart of a Barrio

Brick by brick, the entire community came together to erect Sacred Heart Church in 1954 as a “treasure” of what was once the Golden Gate Barrio.

Catholic Education Arizona Awards Scholarships to Local Students

Catholic Education Arizona presented the first scholarship payment of this year totaling over $3 million.

New leader of Jesuits in western U.S. described as humble, zealous

The new leader of Jesuits in the western United States is both a champion and student of migrants.

Ss. Simon and Jude School’s ‘rock’ marks 50 years as principal

For Sr. Raphael Quinn, her love for children and teaching is reflected in her 50 years of service as the Cathedral school principal.

Archbishop Naumann, Arizona bishops urge vaccination, conscience safeguards

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, chairman of the USCCB's Committee on Pro-Life Activities, encouraged Catholics to receive one of the coronavirus vaccines if they discern that it is appropriate to do so.

Vaccine mandates open door for bishops to discern an appropriate action

The rise in COVID-19 vaccine mandates around the country has prompted an increase in interest in a vaccine exemptions.

Sisters of Life announces new foundation in the Diocese of Phoenix

Next month, five Sisters of Life will establish a religious community in Phoenix.

Pope accepts resignation of bishop of Phoenix-based Byzantine eparchy

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop John S. Pazak of the Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy, which is based in Phoenix.