Pope approves canonizations, but doesn’t set date because of pandemic

The sainthood causes of seven men and women -- including the hermit Blessed Charles de Foucauld and the Indian martyr Devasahayam Pillai -- cleared their final hurdle May 3 during an "ordinary public consistory," a meeting of the pope, cardinals and promoters of sainthood causes that formally ends the sainthood process.

By abiding in Christ, people can do good in the world, pope says

People can't be good Christians if they do not choose to remain in Jesus, Pope Francis said.

Pope urges altar servers to be signs of faith to their parishes

Being an altar server should be a "profession of faith" to the entire parish community, Pope Francis told young men and women participating in Portugal's annual altar server pilgrimage to Fatima.

San Francisco archbishop examines abortion, Communion in pastoral letter

A pastoral letter issued May 1 by San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone focuses on the unborn, Communion and Catholics in public life.

At rosary, pope prays resources move from military to pandemic prevention

Under the gaze of a seventh-century icon of Mary, Pope Francis launched a monthlong, global recitation of the rosary, pleading for Mary's intercession for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vatican approves new invocations for Litany of St. Joseph

Updating the Litany of St. Joseph, approved in 1909, the Vatican has added seven invocations, including two that address the guardian of Jesus and husband of Mary as "support in difficulty" and "patron of refugees."

Big legislative initiatives may be crowding out passage of Equality Act

With President Joe Biden now proposing several ultra-expensive infrastructure, education and family-related bills, the president's controversial Equality Act may get a slower hearing in the U.S. Senate.

Pope: Synodality must be based on reality, not fashionable ideas

A true synodal path comes from making concrete choices that give way to the action of the Holy Spirit, not from following spur-of-the-moment concepts that adhere to the latest trends, Pope Francis said.

In times of trouble, church turns to prayer with Mary, theologian says

The global Catholic Church coming together to pray for an end to the coronavirus pandemic represents the hope and faith of the people of God and how they find solace and strength together with Mary, said a theological expert in Mariology.

Pope updates Vatican judicial laws so cardinals, bishops can face trial

Updating the laws that govern the Vatican's civil judicial system, Pope Francis stated that cardinals and bishops accused of a crime can now be tried in a Vatican court.