South Sudan bishop’s initiative helps eliminate need for cattle raids

In a country at war, it's a region at peace, thanks to a retired South Sudanese Catholic bishop who has championed friendship among those who once saw each other as enemies.

Court leans toward allowing flag with cross to fly at Boston City Hall

Supreme Court justices Jan. 18 seemed to side with a Christian group that was excluded from flying its flag with an image of a cross on it outside of Boston's City Hall.

People’s mistakes and sins do not frighten God, pope says at audience

God is not frightened by people's sins, mistakes or failures, Pope Francis said.

Synodality and ecumenism require walking together, say cardinals

All Christians are invited to pray for unity and continue to journey together, said Cardinals Mario Grech, general secretary of the Synod of the Bishops, and Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

Pope sends aid to victims in Philippines, migrants on Belarus border

Pope Francis is sending thousands of dollars in relief aid to the Philippines after a devastating typhoon struck the Southeast Asian archipelago in December.

Christians should look for signs of God’s love in their lives, pope says

God likes to intervene behind the scenes and without fanfare, always ready to help and lift people up, Pope Francis said.

Seeking God together will bring Christians closer to each other, pope says

When the goal of Christian unity seems far off, "let us remind ourselves that we are making this journey not as those who already possess God but as those who continue to seek him," Pope Francis told members of an ecumenical pilgrimage from Finland.

Pope: Communication must build communion, fraternity

In a time when social networks can tend to divide people, Christian media must instead work to unite men and women, Pope Francis said.

Gomez: Imitate Rev. King’s ‘example, prophetic witness’ in work for justice

The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urged all people of goodwill to commemorate the life and legacy of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on the Jan. 17 holiday named for him by remembering "not only the justice he pursued, but how he pursued it."

New postulator named for Father Peyton’s sainthood cause

The Congregation of Holy Cross has appointed Valentina Culurgioni to be the new postulator for the sainthood cause of Holy Cross Father Patrick Peyton.