Celebrating the significant contributions made by Catholic schools

Over 200 years of opening doors to families of all faiths and beliefs from all segments of society with stellar graduation rates and alumni more likely to vote, be more civically engaged, be more tolerant of diverse views, less likely to be incarcerated and are committed to service as adults.

State of the Campaign for February 2018

As the first full block of the “Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” campaign ends, I am excited to share good news.

Repentance in the early Church

The call to a change of heart and a change of life was a hallmark of the ministry of Jesus, of His forerunner, John the Baptist, and of His apostles.

Three steps to joy

“Evangelii Gaudium,” “Amoris Laetitia” and, now, “Gaudete et Exsultate.” What do they have in common? They were written by Pope Francis? Yes. They are apostolic exhortations? Yes. More important? Joy.

State of the Campaign for March 2018

Without a doubt the Holy Spirit is bringing communities together through an encounter with God’s love via the “Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” campaign.

Victory of Christ

In February of 2013, a man spent $92,613 to purchase a bloody sock. The sock was a part of a live auction held at the Fletcher-Sinclair Mansion in Manhattan.

Seeing with Easter eyes of faith

In the aftermath of Jesus’ violent death by crucifixion, His disciples were left shaken and doubtful. The risen Jesus’ appearances to His disciples moved them from fear to hope, and from doubt to faith.

‘Do this in memory of me’ — A Catholic reflection on Memorial Day

Our Memorial Day was originally known as “Decoration Day,” an opportunity to decorate many graves of the over 600,000 men who died in the Civil War.

Water and Spirit

I was an undergrad in philosophy at The Catholic University of America when I had the opportunity to attend an off-campus lecture by Rev. Alexander Schmemann, dean of St. Vladimir Orthodox Seminary in New York and one of the most eminent English-speaking theologians in the Orthodox world.

Your Parish is Losing a Favorite Priest? Still Another Good Reason to be Catholic

Another season of assigning priests to new ministries is afoot in our diocese. Those newly ordained receive their first long-term assignment in priestly ministry, and our older priests enter into a euphemistic retirement, continuing some kind of ministry free of the administrative burdens which can accompany it.