Games: Kingdom Hearts 3 — Re Mind

NEW YORK (CNS) — The 2019 release of “Kingdom Hearts 3” wrapped up a video game odyssey that spanned nearly two decades. But fans still wanted more of the franchise’s elaborate lore and challenging fights.

State of the Campaign: Newman Centers

Going off to college can be one of the most exciting, yet faith-challenging, experiences a person can have.

Take heart! God is with us!

Perhaps it’s the compressed calendar, or the external decor that grabs our attention with “Celebrate the season!”

Movies: The Irishman

NEW YORK (CNS) — The disappearance of union boss Jimmy Hoffa, who vanished without a trace in 1975, has never been explained. But that doesn’t deter director Martin Scorsese from solving the mystery in “The Irishman” (Netflix), an epic historical drama.

Event of the decade

From a Catholic perspective, few if any dates were more significant during the decade than Feb. 11, 2013.

Discernment: Listening for God in the real world

“Samuel, Samuel!” the Lord calls, in one of the more famous stories of discernment in the Bible. After bothering his teacher, Eli, three times, the wise man realizes it is the Lord who is calling. “If you are called,” said Eli, “reply, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’”

Movies: A Hidden Life

NEW YORK (CNS) — In 2007, Franz Jagerstatter (1907-1943), a devoutly Catholic Austrian farmer martyred by the Nazis for his stance as a conscientious objector, was declared blessed.

Television: ‘Hunters,’ Feb. 21, Amazon

NEW YORK (CNS) — Celebrated actor Al Pacino’s many fans have waited more than five decades for him to make his episodic television debut. So it’s disappointing that “Hunters,” the program that features his first turn within the format, isn’t worth viewers’ time.

How the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ hit close to home

In early July, I represented the Diocese of Phoenix and Catholic Charities Community Services at the “Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in America” in Orlando, Florida. A gathering of leaders like this is rare: the last time such a convocation occurred was 100 years ago during World War I!

Motherhood and spirituality

“Lord, give me strength.” This has been my mantra of late, every morning when I start to hear the first whines and cries from my 17-month-old around 5:20 a.m.