Pro-life legislation stalled by Ninth Circuit Court extremism

Back in 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court concocted the right to abortion, people screamed bloody murder — and they meant that literally. Pro-lifers have spent more than four decades praying, working and campaigning to protect the lives of the most vulnerable among us: the unborn child.

One life, so precious, tells the story of God’s love if only we’ll listen

Driving through a neighborhood once years ago, I remember thinking that behind every door was a person with a story that ought to be told. I suppose part of that comes from being a pro-lifer: each human life is beloved by God who spilled His precious blood for all humanity — the rich and powerful, the poor and frail, the Hollywood starlet and the beggar on the corner. Each person’s life is unique and worthy of the Father’s love. Each person’s life tells a story.

In the footsteps of St. Francis: Radical surrender to mercy and grace

Some of the greatest saints the world has ever known were utterly changed by God’s mercy. And although we revere them now as models of sanctity, the saints weren’t always so saintly.

Living Jesus’ call to bear with one another while forgiving, blessing

A few weeks ago, on a blazing-hot afternoon, I ventured to a local arts and crafts store. It was a Saturday and the store was crowded with shoppers.

‘Little Boy’: Changing the culture, one film at a time

If there’s one thing Americans can agree on in this era of social discord, it’s that we love film. We spent a staggering $10 billion on movie tickets in 2009.

An invitation to hope: What have you got to lose?

Hope is a concept we can speak about blithely until everything falls apart. It’s when troubles abound that we find out how much we need the unshakeable hope that’s rooted in Christ and His triumph over sin and death.

Fathers: Giving life, faith to others — or not

Even now, four years after the day we lost him, I still hear the voice of my father resound within me day by day, guiding me through life’s twists and turns.

Giving thanks in all things changes outlook on life

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I don’t know about you, but I can hardly wait. The family, the friends, the food, the fun — what’s not to love? The annual celebration is our opportunity to realize just how blessed we are.

True love blossoms through friendship, faith and sacrifice

Years ago I met a man from the former Soviet Union who had grown up in a family of atheists. He was living with his girlfriend when I first got to know him, but a few weeks later, he had moved out.

Language of love welcomes missionary priests

They finished praying the Rosary and then started in on the singing of hymns. We sat there in the little mission church, waiting for Mass to begin. But would it?