Too busy to pray? Finding time for God brings peace
You may have heard the clever observation that people nowadays have become human “doings” rather than human beings. Multi-tasking, packed calendars and smart phones...
Media elite continue to promote trash while trashing the good stuff
Call me an optimist, but I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, the new film “For Greater Glory” might help thaw the heart of...
Media elite promote trash while trashing the good stuff
Call me an optimist, but I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, the new film “For Greater Glory” might help thaw the hearts of...
Medjugorje: No verdict yet, but faith, conversions abound
A very generous benefactor found out that after 10 years of writing for the Catholic press, I’d never been to Medjugorje, the site of...
Pro-life legislation stalled by Ninth Circuit Court extremism
Back in 1973, when the U.S. Supreme Court concocted the right to abortion, people screamed bloody murder — and they meant that literally. Pro-lifers have spent more than four decades praying, working and campaigning to protect the lives of the most vulnerable among us: the unborn child.
Debate fails to persuade dissenters; conversion of heart needed
Nestled in the mountains not far from Naples, Italy, there’s a rustic little village known as Pietrelcina. Visitors from all over the world descend...
Big Brother tells Church to pay up — or get buried in fines
Years ago when our five children were small, my husband and I managed to keep them insulated from the corrupting influence of the pagan society in which we live. They had never heard the word “stupid” and no one had ever uttered the words “shut up” in their presence.
Not too late to turn back to God through prayer, conversion
A mother who loves her children warns them when they are in danger. The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, has been warning her children for years. Some have listened. Others have not.
Why books matter: Power to corrupt or inspire
I admit it: I’ve always loved to read. There’s nothing I enjoy more than being curled up with a good book in the company of my husband and children who are similarly engaged.
‘Les Mis’ a cause for optimism in face of advancing secularism
In an era in which movies with overtly religious themes are generally dismissed as “cheesy,” Hollywood’s latest rendition of “Les Miserables” has garnered critical acclaim.