Movies: Star Wars — The Rise of Skywalker

NEW YORK (CNS) — A long time ago, in a world that now seems far, far away — to wit, Earth in spring 1977 — George Lucas wowed audiences with the original “Star Wars” film.

Movies: A Hidden Life

NEW YORK (CNS) — In 2007, Franz Jagerstatter (1907-1943), a devoutly Catholic Austrian farmer martyred by the Nazis for his stance as a conscientious objector, was declared blessed.

Movies: The Irishman

NEW YORK (CNS) — The disappearance of union boss Jimmy Hoffa, who vanished without a trace in 1975, has never been explained. But that doesn’t deter director Martin Scorsese from solving the mystery in “The Irishman” (Netflix), an epic historical drama.

Death penalty foes applaud message of new movie ‘Just Mercy’

"The film's most powerful characteristics are its ability to humanize the individuals who are on death row and illuminate the discrimination, mental illness, impoverishment and racial bias that commonly leads to a death sentence," a joint statement from the Catholic Mobilizing Network said.

Movies: Jojo Rabbit

NEW YORK (CNS) — As with many satires, the makers of “Jojo Rabbit” (Fox Searchlight) don’t care much whether an audience likes their film — or understands all of it.

Movies: Sonic the Hedgehog

NEW YORK (CNS) — Not that the intended core audience of children is likely to notice, but many of the adults who take them will find that there’s something oddly mechanical and even maladroit about “Sonic the Hedgehog” (Paramount).

‘Revolution of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story,’ March 6, PBS

NEW YORK (CNS) — Complicated, flawed, often misunderstood and as controversial as she was beloved, Dorothy Day (1897-1980), co-founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, is the subject of the documentary “Revolution of the Heart: The Dorothy Day Story.”

Movies: ‘I Am Patrick’

NEW YORK (CNS) — The reasons the Church continues to honor the Apostle of Ireland more than 1,500 years after his death shine forth in the film “I Am Patrick” (CBN), a docudrama screening in theaters for two nights only, March 17 — St. Patrick’s Day — and March 18.

Pandemic prompts makers of ‘Fatima’ film to delay its release to theaters

NEW YORK (CNS) — Moviegoers anticipating the feature film about the story of the children of Fatima will have to wait a few more months to see the famous miracle story on the big screen.

Sheltering in place? Teens can be entertained in place

NEW YORK (CNS) — Parents of teens sheltering in place may be balancing the hope of keeping them entertained with concerns about the content available to them via streaming services. The following, in alphabetical order, are reviews of some shows parents can feel comfortable suggesting to their adolescents.