Puntos prácticos para cantar la Misa

En las tres primeras partes de esta serie hemos explorado el significado de la música sagrada, el papel de la Iglesia en preservar y fomentarla, y su papel en evangelizar la cultura.

El papel de la Música Sagrada en la Evangelización

En la primera parte de esta serie sobre la música sagrada, describí el significado de la música sagrada, y la diferencia entre la música de la liturgia sagrada de la Iglesia y la “música religiosa”.

Sacred music’s role in evangelization

In the first part of this series on sacred music, I described the meaning of sacred music, and the difference between the music of the Church’s sacred liturgy and “religious music” (Dec. 15, 2011). The second part explored, from a historical perspective, the Church’s role in preserving and fostering authentic sacred music for more fruitful participation in the Sacred Mysteries (Jan. 19). In this third part, we now look at the role of sacred music in evangelizing culture.

A short history of liturgical music

In the first part of this series on sacred music, I described the meaning of sacred music, the music of the Church’s sacred liturgy, as distinct from “religious music.”

Una corta historia de la música litúrgica

En la primera parte de esta serie sobre la música sagrada, describí el significado de la música sagrada, la música de la sagrada liturgia de la Iglesia, y como esta es distinta de la música religiosa.

Liturgical Music as participation in Christ

St. Augustine recounts in his autobiography “Confessions” an experience he had during the singing of the Mass.

La música litúrgica como participación en Cristo

San Agustín recuenta en su autobiografía “Las Confesiones” una experiencia que vivió durante el canto de la Misa: “¡Como lloré, profundamente conmovido por sus himnos y cánticos y las voces que resonaron por su Iglesia! ¡Que emoción sentí en ellos! Esos sonidos entraron en mis oídos, destilando la verdad en mi corazón”.

‘I believe’; Professing our personal belief through the Nicene Creed

Editor's note: This is an ongoing series of articles exploring the new English-language translation of the Roman Missal, which the Church will begin using...

The wondrous mystery of the Lord Jesus; Final of seven parts: What makes Liturgy...

Preserving authenticity in celebrations of the Sacred Liturgy has been a prominent concern of Pope Benedict XVI (formerly known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) for...

What is Scandal? Part Three: Counteracting Scandal’s destruction

In the previous editions of The Catholic Sun, we spoke about the “scandal” of the Cross of Christ, which is no scandal at all but rather “the power of God and the wisdom of God” (Cf. 1 Cor 1:7ff) and, then, about true scandals that lead others to sin, that impede them from doing what is right and that place a stumbling block along the path to their eternal destiny in heaven. Now, let us turn our attention to the roots of scandal, and then to key ways to counteract scandal’s destructive impact.