Ready or not, here they come!

Welcome to a new school year! I am proud to report that our Catholic schools are ready, willing and able to embrace the new academic school year.

Discurso del Obispo Olmsted en el Desayuno de Oración Nacional Católica

“¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡Verdaderamente ha resucitado!”

La necesidad de libertad para la orientación

En lo más profundo de su conciencia descubre el hombre la existencia de una ley que él no se dicta a sí mismo, pero a la cual debe obedecer, y cuya voz resuena, cuando es necesario …. La conciencia es el núcleo más secreto y el sagrario del hombre, en el que éste se siente a solas con Dios, cuya voz resuena en el recinto más íntimo de aquélla” (Gaudium et spes, #16).

Memories of St. John Paul II on his 100th birthday

Do I remember St. John Paul II? Yes, I remember him well. I write of him as the centennial of his birth May 18, 1920, approaches. It would be impossible to list all my lasting memories of him in one article. So that is not my goal.

Fear vs. Love

Last year I wrote a column about how love conquers hate. That was true then, and it’s still true now. But as global terror rages on, as global economic crises loom, and as national security concerns hang over our heads like a wet rag on our spirits, maybe it’s important to also realize that love beats fear too when the chips are down.

Hope in the Cross

For most of you, it was the first time you experienced the holiest week of the year — not in your parish church, but in your own home. It could very well seem like our Lent has not ended, like we are still stuck in the desert.

Language of love welcomes missionary priests

They finished praying the Rosary and then started in on the singing of hymns. We sat there in the little mission church, waiting for Mass to begin. But would it?

Emmanuel: The name sums up the Christmas message

We know what kind of person the infant Jesus born on the first Christmas would be in adult life: someone known for drawing near to others and walking with them in their actual lives.

La paciencia por la libertad — El testimonio de San Anselmo

Anselmo fue elegido para dirigir la Iglesia en Inglaterra, en un tiempo en el que el Rey William Rufus quería a un arzobispo de Canterbury débil, un hombre al que pudiera controlar y utilizar para su propio beneficio. Anselmo, por su parte, no quería ser obispo; pidió no ser escogido, deseando permanecer en su monasterio en Bec, Francia, donde estaba sirviendo con gusto como el Abad.

Path of conversion leads to canonization for Blessed John Henry Newman

On Feb. 13, Pope Francis approved the canonization of Blessed John Henry Newman, a 19th-century Catholic convert from Anglicanism, whose theological insights on matters such as the development of doctrine and the role of the laity in the Church stand behind many of the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.