A short history of liturgical music

In the first part of this series on sacred music, I described the meaning of sacred music, the music of the Church’s sacred liturgy, as distinct from “religious music.”

Sacred music’s role in evangelization

In the first part of this series on sacred music, I described the meaning of sacred music, and the difference between the music of the Church’s sacred liturgy and “religious music” (Dec. 15, 2011). The second part explored, from a historical perspective, the Church’s role in preserving and fostering authentic sacred music for more fruitful participation in the Sacred Mysteries (Jan. 19). In this third part, we now look at the role of sacred music in evangelizing culture.

Our Lady of Guadalupe is a feast for Byzantine Catholics, too

CHICAGO (CNS) — Renowned for its reverence for ancient tradition, the Byzantine Catholic Church is rather unhurried to add new feasts to its liturgical calendar.

El discipulado: Conversión constante en nuestro camino de fe

Amistad con Jesús no comienza con la iniciativa humana. Comienza con Él. “Antes de formarte en el vientre materno, yo te conocía”, nos dice (Jeremías 1:5), “antes de que salieras del seno, yo te había consagrado”.

Discipleship: Continuing Conversion in our Journey of Faith

Friendship with Jesus does not begin with our human initiative. It begins with Him. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you,” He tells us (Cf. Jer 1:5), “before you were born I dedicated you.”

Solanus Casey beatification affirms Phoenix friars’ presence, paves way for future saints

The Phoenix is an allegorical bird that regenerates itself. Though it dies, it rises again from its own bones. The city of Phoenix was so named because there was once an ancient civilization that prospered in the desert but it was abandoned. Nonetheless, that desert civilization was reborn and we now call it home.

‘O come, let us adore Him’

“Jesus was born in a humble stable, into a poor family. Simple shepherds were the first witnesses to this event. In this poverty heaven’s glory was made manifest. The Church never tires of singing the glory of this night.”

Want more joy in your life? Here’s your recipe

There’s a grotto in Nazareth that marks the spot where the Angel Gabriel told Mary she would be the mother of Jesus. Think of it: Here she is, a young teenager engaged to be married, and she’s just found out she’s entrusted with carrying the Son of God in her womb!

A true Christmas

We must wonder how many will truly celebrate Christmas this year, making it the best ever.

Peace amid conflict

At one time or another, we’ve all secretly yearned for the Madison Avenue version of Christmas.