Editor’s Corner: We need to see Christ in those with whom we disagree

I noticed a very disturbing trend on social media a few weeks ago following the Supreme Court’s decision to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples.

Giving thanks for Thanksgiving

I was in the middle of a root canal when I began to think about gratitude.

Scholastica: Model of Monastic Life

Twins Scholastica and Benedict, each in their own way and yet also together, have made such a great impact on consecrated life in the Church.

Advent week four: Christ’s coming in history, mystery and majesty

As we journey through Advent each year we encounter a threefold sense of Christ’s coming: in history, in mystery and in majesty.

Advent week two: Four ways to be more attentive this Advent

Be watchful!” and “Be alert!” are two traditional spiritual commands often heard by Catholics during the Advent season in preparation for the birth of Christ at Christmas.

A daily practice that defeats evil, brings peace

When life kicks you in the teeth and you’re down for the count, you find out quickly who your friends are.

The ‘nonsignificant’ among us

The homeless person sitting on the corner near our church never moved off his bench despite freezing temperatures. No matter the time of day, there he sat bundled up in clothes people had donated.

New book invites reader into deeper reflection of Holy Week

The season of Lent and Holy Week, the most sacred season for Catholics, the focus where all of our reality comes alive, is upon us.

Christ’s True Presence awaits us, but do we know it?

I was in my third year of college the first time he played for me. Sitting under a tree at a local park, he strummed the guitar gently, crooning songs of love for God and His wondrous mercy.

La determinación de un misionero: San Junípero Serra

En septiembre de 1772 AD, Fray Junípero Serra volvió a San Diego, agotado en cuerpo y espíritu. Había caminado por tres semanas, viajando desde el norte de California hasta la primera misión que había fundado. A pesar de su habitual disposición optimista, estaba agotado por la escasez de alimentos, agobiado por el dolor agudo desde la incurable herida en su pierna y sobre todo enredado en un conflicto acalorado con Pedro Fages, el virrey de la provincia de Las Californias de Nueva España.