When we hear the word “stewardship,” our mind can easily think of time, talent and treasure — which are true and important. However, after watching this campaign unfold over the past year since its official launch and quickly approaching two years since the pilot phase began, I have seen a new form of stewardship — a stewardship of relationships.
This campaign invites all of us to ask the questions: “Am I a good steward of the relationships in my life?” and “Do I recognize that every person placed in my path is a gift from God to help me grow in holiness?”
The “Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” Campaign encourages us to strengthen all of our relationships. First, understanding and caring for our relationship with God — Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then it extends to our family that God has given us — spouses, children, siblings, parents, etc. Finally, it extends to the communities we are part of — Church, work, social, friendships, etc.

Taking care of these relationships in a conscious and holy way are essential for us following Jesus. So, this campaign allows us to strengthen our relationship with Jesus and the people of God — it’s an opportunity to be good stewards. It’s about the education and faith of our young people, caring for the poor and homeless, and helping college students grow deeper in their faith in an environment that is often faithless.
Stewardship of relationship means recognizing the gift of the other person — their human dignity and potential to be saints. This campaign is about people — caring for one another as God calls us to do. Together Let Us go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante!