This year, my wife and I took our second daughter to college. As a father, I have realized in a personal way just how important Newman Centers are. College is a time when our kids have the opportunity to choose their faith for themselves.
Sadly, studies tell us that most people who leave the faith do so before they turn 23! By having a place on college campuses for our students to engage in their faith through sacraments, prayer and good friendships, Newman Centers work to help young adults go deeper in their faith.
We are blessed in the Diocese of Phoenix to have Newman Centers on three of our university college campuses. All of them have outgrown their spaces.

One of them began offering an additional Sunday Mass time this month. These are both great problems to have!
I am so grateful for your support of the “Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” Campaign. With your help, we are building up Newman Centers to expand their resources for the thousands of students whom they serve. Thank you!