I am so excited to share with you that the Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante magazine has undergone a name change. It’s the same high-quality magazine with a new name, well—kind of!

If you’ve received Diocese of Phoenix-related news over the last 40 years, you’re probably familiar with The Catholic Sun—the official news source of the Diocese of Phoenix. In the 80’s it began as a newspaper that told exciting stories of folks encountering the living Christ and it was sent to every registered parishioner household in the Diocese of Phoenix. That’s more than 121,000 newspaper copies printed and delivered every month.

Soon after, a platform to share the same content digitally was developed at catholicsun.org, which continues to provide engaging stories and access to the latest diocesan news at your fingertips, 24/7. I would highly recommend plugging in to this resource, which helps folks stay connected to the heart of Bishop John and the happenings in our diocese. Click here to sign up for a weekly newsletter that pulls together the biggest news stories of the week directly to your inbox.

Due to the pandemic, as well as the national trend shifting from printed news to digitalized news, The Catholic Sun newspaper officially went out of print in April 2020. But people missed it! They missed receiving news they could hold in their hands and read with a morning cup of coffee. So, in October 2021, the Office of Mission Advancement and the Office of Communications partnered to publish the first edition of the Together magazine.

This bilingual magazine, while distinct from the Catholic Sun newspaper, was another form of printed, engaging news that reflects the ongoing mission of the local Church to strengthen discipleship and evangelization efforts. The magazine’s name, Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante, came from the 100-million-dollar campaign of the same name—which has made a generational impact on our diocese in areas of direct parish support, Newman Centers, Catholic schools, seminarian support, ministry advancement and in thousands of individual hearts, thanks to your generosity!

This magazine is mailed to more than 40,000 households six times a year. And people love it! Since printing the first issue, this circulation has grown by more than 10-percent! We are thrilled to continue sharing engaging content with you and advancing the mission of the Church through the magazine and other outlets.

The Catholic Sun brand has continued to grow and expand, adding to its robust content, seven podcasts, including The Bishop’s Hour, Life Talk, A Seat at the Table, T.I.L.M.A., Prep Rally, Parenting Smarts and The Catholic Conversation, plus weekly video series like Word and Art, Christ in Our Neighborhood, and the Mental Health Minute. There is something for everyone from young to old, churched and unchurched, and it’s all robust content.

On January 24, 2025, the feast day of St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of Catholic press, the diocese announced that the magazine’s name is officially transitioning to The Catholic Sun magazine.

The same name you have trusted for more than 40 years! The same engaging stories that we pray accompany you on your journey of encountering the living Christ, and a continual and ongoing “thank you” to you for the role you play in bringing about the mission of the Church.

Bishop John’s focus on evangelization will come to full glory as we continue to lean into all communication instruments available to us through The Catholic Sun: digital, audio, written—and let’s not forget person-to-person. All are welcome, all have a place, and we are so glad to have you along for the journey.