Phoenix Chaldean priest remembers martyred cousin whose canonization cause was recently opened

Msgr. Felix Shabi, corbishop of the Chaldean Catholic Vicariate of Arizona of the Chaldean Diocese of St. Peter the Apostle based out of San Diego, remembers well the martyred Fr. Ragheed Ganni, whose cause for canonization was approved by the Vatican May 14. The two men were cousins who grew up in Iraq.

How to send your pastor off in style [VIDEO]

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East Valley priests, seminarians kick their way to victory in inaugural soccer tournament

It was a battle for East and West at Bourgade Catholic High School on May 30. Competitors donned black and white uniforms and laced up their cleats in a matchup that would lead East Valley victorious in a 7-0 shootout. Fans decorated signs and proudly blew their horns and noisemakers, rooting for their favorite players.

Chris Gossen ordained transitional deacon on Holy Trinity Sunday

Family, friends and strangers alike witnessed Christopher Gossen, 33, ordained to the diaconate May 27 at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral.

U Mary prof and homeschooling family head east for farm life

TEMPE — Stories of daring pioneers who headed west to brave the frontier are myriad, but similar feats in 2018 are not so common. Enter Ryan Hanning, his wife Rebecca, and the couple’s nine children.

Fathers forever: Our priests lead the way, lay down their lives

May each of us call them “Father” and lovingly support them until they are called home to the Eternal Father.

A Father’s Day story: stepping in when the biological dad steps out

Father's Day is also Pro-Life Sunday in one Canadian archdiocese.

A ‘sacramentally fortified’ fatherhood: Diocese gains three new priests

The trio — Fr. Frankie Cicero, Fr. John Nahrgang and Fr. Vinhson Ngueyn — can now take the place of Christ the high priest forever more as they serve the growing and diverse vineyard that is the Diocese of Phoenix.

Jesus Christ is the answer, speakers tell youth and young adults at annual congreso

The overall theme of the conference, “The Answer Generation,” pointed to young people’s search for meaning in an increasingly secular society and Fr. Sergio López’s presentation encouraged them to believe that they are all called to become saints.

‘The Gates of hell are locked on the inside,’ Section Two

Last month, we began to consider one of the Christian doctrines that many find deeply troubling, namely hell.