Pope: Money from human trafficking stained with blood

The pope prayed "that the cries of our migrant brothers and sisters, victims of criminal human smuggling and human trafficking, may be heard and considered."

Videos are new component to bishops’ ‘Faithful Citizenship’ guide

In four distinct languages, the videos explore Catholic social teaching and examine participation in public life to make the bishops' teaching more accessible.

Historic Baltimore church building restored, given new life as brewpub

It's not exactly "theology on tap," but hints of the space's theological roots remain.

Like St. Peter, bishops must promote unity, Archbishop Wester says

"You and I are called to suffer as well as we seek to build up the church, as we seek to be instruments of unity and peace in the church," he told fellow bishops from five states, including Arizona.

U.S. bishops ask pope about Amazon synod, discuss range of issues

The pope welcomed criticisms, complaints and questions from (arch)bishops representing five U.S. states, including Arizona.

Pope to celebrate Pentecost in Malta

It's his first confirmed papal trip for 2020 and a "a sign a Christian's welcome of his neighbor and assistance of those in difficulty, abandoned to their destiny," a Vatican press release said.

Recommitting to racial justice has not gone out of season

A Lenten study guide, "Recommit to Racial Justice," has been popular all year and some Catholic institutions have recognized their own culpability on racial matters.

Diocese’s CDA puts ‘faith in action’

“Together, we can do more than any one parish or person can do," the Charity & Development Appeal website says. CDA supports the faith family in churches, schools, apostolates and social service outreaches.

Women’s conference aims to foster friendships with saints, embrace femininity

Catholic Women of Phoenix and its upcoming conference’s keynote speaker have a mutual friend: their patron saint, St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross, also known as Edith Stein.

Bishops in Ghana launch diabetic clinic to mark World Day of the Sick

The clinic is named after the patron saint of diabetes and built by a Danish global health care company that is the world leader in diabetes care.