Pope composes prayers for end of pandemic to be recited after Rosary

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis asked Catholics to make a special effort in May to pray the Rosary, knowing that by doing so they will be united with believers around the world asking for Mary’s intercession in stopping the coronavirus pandemic.

Regrettably, reflecting on the coronavirus during Easter season

The other day, I was walking our dog, Xena — who would be worth a column all to herself — when I noticed that one of the neighbors had her front lawn all decorated for Easter. This neighbor is known for having her front lawn all decked out for every holiday — Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, you name it. Often, they are lit up at night, which is a sight I look forward to on my walks with Xena.

Singing Miami priests share ray of musical sunshine for Easter season

https://youtu.be/rmbrCdXTMyk MIAMI (CNS) — The coronavirus pandemic has certainly revealed the various talents of Miami archdiocesan priests. Among them: Fr. Jose Alvarez and Fr. Alex...

Spain’s serenading priests bring neighbors together amid lockdown

ROME (CNS) — While the coronavirus pandemic has forced people in Madrid to isolate themselves in their apartments, it also has paradoxically brought people together in new and unexpected ways.

Sainthood cause for Dorothy Day picking up steam in U.S.

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The sainthood cause for Dorothy Day, co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement, believes it could have all of the documentation prepared at some point next year to send to the Vatican Congregation for Saints’ Causes.

COVID-19: A wake-up call for America, world

When the reports started coming in about COVID-19 it seemed so remote, so far from our little corner of the world. And then one of my sons, a critical-care nurse at a Valley hospital, sat down and had a chat with me. He was deeply concerned about the path of destruction this disease was unleashing, and he wanted his dad and me to take it seriously.

Maintain routine, stay connected and rely on prayer, counselor advises

With the rapid changes brought on by COVID-19, there is an incredible level of stress for everyone in the country. We have worries about our families, our work, finances and loved ones living in areas that may be experiencing an even greater impact than where we are.

RCIA candidates wait to enter full communion

Northern Arizona University student Grace Godat’s life has changed drastically in the past couple of weeks due to COVID-19. As a flute player in the NAU marching band, practice has been canceled along with all other extracurricular activities. Her sculpture and studio art classes have been moved online, and her months of preparation to be received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil are on hold, postponed to a later date yet unknown.

The incredible faith and strength of the maid of Orleans — St. Joan of...

Was she suffering from schizophrenia or a form of epilepsy, as some modern writers have suggested? How did a teenage girl persuade the future King Charles VII of France to let her lead his troops into battle? And how could those to whom she was so loyal leave her so defenseless in the end?

Pope approves foundation promoting example, works of Pope John Paul I

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis approved the establishment of the John Paul I Vatican Foundation to preserve and promote the writings, thinking, example and study of “the smiling pope.”