Vatican archivist, award-winning poet, to be made a cardinal

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Like many others who were named cardinals by Pope Francis, Cardinal-designate Jose Tolentino Calaca de Mendonca was caught off guard when he found out about his appointment.

Men in Black: Belief in aliens not so far out for some Catholics

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — More than 2 million people RSVP’d to a recent social media invitation to “storm” Area 51 in Nevada, in the hope of discovering whether alien life or spacecraft may be secretly stored at this U.S. Air Force base.

Amid economic growth, pope urges Mauritius to care for the young, poor

PORT LOUIS, Mauritius (CNS) — Statistical indicators show Mauritius’ rapid economic growth has benefited all sectors of society, lifting thousands out of poverty over the past 30 years, but Pope Francis still urged the island’s Catholics to be careful.

Nassau archbishop assesses post-hurricane challenges in Bahamas

"It is sheer terror and confusion for those who had their homes compromised in the middle of the storm and had to relocate, and all the challenges that poses," he said.

‘Sacred art can change hearts and inspire souls’

Artwork commissioned for the 50th Anniversary of the Diocese of Phoenix poignantly reflects the intercession of the Holy Family for the domestic Church.

New center in Hawai’i aims to teach visitors about local saints’ ministry

HONOLULU (CNS) — Sandwiched between a specialty store selling Hawai’ian products and a shirt souvenir shop, a new building is going up near Waikiki Beach that also hopes to attract tourists, but not to buy trinkets and sunscreen.

Solidarity, not poverty, is God’s plan, pope says in Madagascar

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar (CNS) — God’s plan for humanity involves community, mutual support, sharing and caring for each other and for the earth, Pope Francis said.

Catholic organizations in Florida marshaling aid for Dorian victims

MIAMI (CNS) — In the wake of Hurricane Dorian’s brutal blasting of the Bahamas, Catholic organizations in Florida continued to raise funds to aid victims there.

Carnegie Hall musicians help moms write lullabies for their babies

The project became a monthly activity at Siena House with nearly 25 national and international partners who have taken the effort to their own communities.

Possible healing could advance Mother Delille’s sainthood cause

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (CNS) — For what could be the first time in the 176-year history of the Diocese of Little Rock, a diocesan tribunal submitted formal documentation to the Vatican on an alleged healing miracle of a former Arkansas college student.