Catholic cemetery to celebrate Mexican Mother’s Day

Si dice "Mamá," "Nana," "Ma," "Madre" o "Mom," ven al cementerio católica el 10 de mayo para celebrar y recordar todas las madres. Artículo en inglés.

Trump signs order to give faith groups stronger voice in government

WASHINGTON (CNS) — In front of a small crowd of cabinet members and religious leaders at the White House Rose Garden May 3, President Donald Trump announced, and then signed, an executive order giving faith-based groups a stronger voice in the federal government.

Elementary students take center stage

Whether it was an all-student production or one with a cameo from a priest, young actors are gaining valuable skills.

Pope: Faith says ‘no’ to Satan, ‘yes’ to God

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Baptism requires rejecting Satan and professing one’s full faith in God, Pope Francis said.

Pope leads rosary for peace at Rome shrine

The pope invited pilgrims in St. Peter's Square April 29 to join his prayers May 1 at the shrine and "to prolong for the whole month of May praying the rosary for peace."

Feast of St. Joseph the Worker

Though his principal feast is March 19, St. Joseph also is honored for his labors as a carpenter in providing for his family’s needs in Nazareth.

TV Mass provides home-bound, elderly with parish to ‘belong to’

Every Sunday, thousands of homebound Catholics unable to physically attend church connect with their faith community through the televised Mass. Broadcast live from Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral at 9 a.m. in English and pre-recorded and aired from St. Mary Parish in Chandler at 10:30 a.m. in Spanish, the weekly Mass brings the Gospel and God’s love to those who can’t leave home due to illness, age or infirmity.

Feast of St. Catherine of Siena

Catherine was the 24th of 25 children of a Sienese dyer; her mystical experiences and raptures began at age 6.

Feast of St. Gianna Molla

Born near Milan, Italy, Gianna was one of 13 children in a deeply Catholic family. She wed Pietro Molla in 1955; they had three children while she continued to work as a physician.

Birthday blessings to Bertha!

At 100 years old, Bertha Bower's descendants don't quite equal her age, but it's getting up there: 82 descendants across four generations.