Volunteers wash feet of homeless at André House

Hector, a guest at André House, had just finished washing and conditioning with lotion the feet of Jay, a second year volunteer on the core team at the Holy Cross-run ministry for homeless in the Phoenix area.

Catholics pray Stations of the Cross across ASU campus

The Way of the Cross was hard. That didn’t stop Catholics of all ages from yearning to experience a piece of Jesus’ suffering on Good Friday.

Bishop Olmsted leads faithful in Good Friday rosary at Planned Parenthood

Good Friday found more than 150 local Catholics praying in front of a Planned Parenthood facility, one that performs abortions up to 24 weeks.

Pope to priests: Exhaustion is part of ministry; find renewal in Christ

Priestly ministry is hard, sometimes lonely or dangerous work serving the neediest with an open, vulnerable heart, Pope Francis told the world's priests. But priests need to learn how to draw strength from their flock and their love for God.

Pope says a ‘good Easter’ requires making Jesus’ passion one’s own

Christians must "enter into the mystery" of the Easter Triduum and make Jesus' feelings and attitudes their own, Pope Francis said.

Bishop Olmsted blesses holy oils, priests renew promises at annual Chrism Mass

In a tradition dating back to the early Church, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted gathered March 30 with his brother priests to bless the oils that will be used in sacraments during the coming year.

Elderly, homebound Catholics maintain connection to Holy Mass through TV, thanks to CDA

Televised liturgies are a ministry of the Church that evangelizes by reaching people unable to be physically present in a worshiping community.

Pope Francis’ advice for Holy Week [VIDEO]

Pope Francis spoke about the importance of humility during his Palm Sunday homily at the Vatican March 29.

Imitate Jesus’ humility and service, pope says at Palm Sunday Mass

From modern-day martyrs to those who quietly care for the sick or elderly, Pope Francis remembered all those who "sacrifice themselves daily," following Jesus in serving others and giving witness to the Gospel.

President, first lady to welcome Pope Francis to White House Sept. 23

President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama will welcome Pope Francis to the White House Sept. 23.