Eucharistic processions to mark feast of Corpus Christi
Catholic parishes throughout the Diocese of Phoenix are taking their faith to the streets this weekend. They will line sidewalks and possibly roads as their eucharistic processions celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi June 22.
Pope’s words give inmates hope, say advocates for fair sentencing
The pope responded to hundreds of letters from inmates incarcerated for life as juveniles, assuring them of his prayers and that the Lord "knows and loves each one of them."
A larger movement of people is working to reform the way in which juveniles are held accountable for crimes committed as youth.
Muralist says inspiration of Holy Spirit drives her creativity, artwork
An 84-year-old Sister of St. Francis of Sylvania specializes in creating murals with religious and spiritual themes. She has been crafting murals for 38 years, and despite never soliciting her work, has completed nearly 100 murals.
Free from ordeal in Sudan, woman condemned for apostasy meets pope
Pope Francis spent 30 minutes with Ibrahim, her husband and two small children July 24, just hours after she had arrived safely in Italy following a brutal ordeal of imprisonment and a death sentence for apostasy in Sudan. The pontiff thanked Ibrahim for "her steadfast witness of faith," a Vatican spokesman said.
Media — What to watch
EWTN and local diocesan media connects you with the lives of the saints and others striving to be. This weekend, meet: El Camino pilgrims, FourEver, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Mother Dolores Hart and the Knights of Peter Claver.
A summer stroll in the papal gardens [VIDEO]
Catholics Matter 124: Society of St. Vincent de Paul [VIDEO]
In this episode of Catholics Matter, Fr. Rob Clements is joined by Steve Zabilski, Executive Director of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, to explore the impact SVdP has in the greater-Phoenix area. To learn more, visit:
Catholics Matter 125: Sharing Faith in Song [VIDEO]
Award-winning composer and songwriter, Julie Carrick of Carrick Ministries, joins Fr. Rob Clements to talk about what it means to be a "Catechetical Artist" and share the faith through music.
In Korea, pope pleads for peace [VIDEO]
On his first day in South Korea, Pope Francis underlined the importance of peace on the Korean peninsula.
Pope prays for Korean reconciliation [VIDEO]
On his last day in South Korea, Pope Francis celebrated Mass and prayed for a reconciled Korean peninsula.