Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe: Madre de Misericordia

Más que cualquier otro Santo, la Madre de Dios ha ayudado a personas a descubrir la misericordia de Dios. De hecho, es a través de María que la misericordia entró en la historia de la humanidad en la persona misma de su amado hijo, Jesús.

Pope Francis’ Game Plan; Part Eight: A True Son of St. Ignatius

In this part of my series on Pope Francis’ Game Plan, then, it seems helpful to look at key elements of the Ignatian charism that are evident in the Holy Father’s Apostolic Exhortation, the “Joy of the Gospel.”

Progress Made in Priestly Formation

In this series, I have been addressing certain aspects of the scandals that the Church has suffered over the past 70 years.

Jesus, the King who sets us free

“¡Viva Cristo Rey!” 86 years ago, November 23, 1927, these words rang forth in Mexico City as a young man was being executed by a firing squad.

From Benedict to Francis; Continuity yet innovation

When Pope Francis greeted Pope Emeritus Benedict at their initial meeting following the Papal Conclave, his first words were, “We are brothers.”

Holy, Yet Needing Purification

This month, I begin a new series that addresses the scandals of the Church that came to light across our nation this past summer.

Self-giving Love: Humanae Vitae’s paradoxical wisdom

Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is a fresh re-presenting of the Church’s teaching on the gift of human sexuality and the mission of married couples. It lays out more clearly and persuasively what Paul VI taught in Humanae Vitae, while rooting the presentation in a richer biblical context.

The Rosary — Mary’s Weapon for Peace

God sent the Blessed Virgin Mary to little children in central Portugal with a plan that could convert hearts and thereby stop the bloodshed.

Q&A with Bishop Olmsted: A look at the past, present and future of the...

"It was one of the very few dioceses where I didn’t know any priests, deacons, religious or lay leaders before I arrived..." the bishop said, "Now I feel very much like the spiritual father, and I feel so close to this family."

The blessing of a chaste life: The pastoral care of homosexual persons

Do not see those with homosexual inclinations as problems but as persons, persons whom Jesus redeemed by His Cross, persons called to holiness, persons with an inviolable dignity and an eternal destiny bestowed on them by God, persons like you and me, persons who have a welcome place in our Church.