Word to Life: Oct. 16, 2016, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There’s a saying that I hear fairly frequently these days, especially in response to someone who is asked to take on a ministry or mission for which he or she feels unprepared: “God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called.”

Word to Life: Oct. 9, 2016, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

I am terrible at sending thank-you notes. If I don’t do it right away it usually doesn’t get done. It is not that I am not thankful; I am truly grateful for the service or gift I have received. I am just forgetful, especially when the next day is filled with more activity and soon the thought of thanking the individual slips from my radar.

Catholic Charities Community Services: 83 years of relationships

As CEO of Catholic Charities, I travel from northern Pinal County to the Nevada-border town of Bullhead City to meet with Catholic Charities staff, community partners and the people we serve in central and northern Arizona.

Formación de la conciencia garantiza la libertad

El amor conyugal “avanza gradualmente con la progresiva integración de los dones de Dios” (#122), dice el Papa Francisco en su Exhortación Apostólica sobre la Alegría del Amor en la Familia. No hay límite a la capacidad de los cónyuges a participar en la caridad infinita que es el Espíritu Santo (cf. #134). “Así, en medio de un conflicto no resuelto, y aunque muchos sentimientos confusos den vueltas por el corazón, se mantiene viva cada día la decisión de amar, de pertenecerse, de compartir la vida entera y de permanecer amando y perdonando. Cada uno de los dos hace un camino de crecimiento y de cambio personal. En medio de ese camino, el amor celebra cada paso y cada nueva etapa” (#163). En este viaje hacia la plena madurez en Cristo, la iglesia acompaña a las parejas casadas y asiste en la tarea permanente de formación de la conciencia que, como el Catecismo dice (#1784) “garantiza la libertad y engendra la paz del corazón”.

Formation of conscience guarantees freedom

Married love “advances gradually with the progressive integration of the gifts of God” (#122), says Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation on the Joy of Love in the Family. There is no limit to the spouses’ ability to participate in the infinite charity which is the Holy Spirit (cf. #134). “Even amid unresolved conflicts and confused emotional situations, they daily reaffirm their decision to love, to belong to one another, to share their lives and to continue loving and forgiving. Each progresses along the path of personal growth and development. On this journey, love rejoices at every step and in every new stage” (#163). On this journey to full maturity in Christ, the Church accompanies married couples and assists them in the lifelong task of formation of conscience which, as the Catechism says (#1784), “guarantees freedom and engenders peace of heart.”

Living faith in the public square, in spite of scorn and threats

There’s a change in the air and I’m not talking about those sub-112-degree temps as we head into fall.

Encountering and studying the faith as a pilgrim

On a recent pilgrimage with about 30 students to San Xavier Del Bac Mission near Tucson, one of the students remarked “being here on a pilgrimage gives me a new sense of this place.”

Forget the fairy-tale ending: God has a better plan for you

Years ago, a wise friend offered up this little nugget: “I want my kids to experience disappointment. They might as well learn now while they’re young!”

La necesidad de libertad para la orientación

En lo más profundo de su conciencia descubre el hombre la existencia de una ley que él no se dicta a sí mismo, pero a la cual debe obedecer, y cuya voz resuena, cuando es necesario …. La conciencia es el núcleo más secreto y el sagrario del hombre, en el que éste se siente a solas con Dios, cuya voz resuena en el recinto más íntimo de aquélla” (Gaudium et spes, #16).

Freedom’s need for guidance

“Deep within his conscience man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself but which he must obey. Its voice, ever calling...