Plush & Loom, a new online mattress company, donated 100 mattresses to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Sept. 7 for the first of many “Give Sleep, Get Rest” efforts.
The program donates a mattress for every one sold. Half of Plush & Loom’s initial delivery went to Ozanam Manor. The shelter specializes in helping homeless men and women age 50 and above, along with physically or mentally disabled adults of any age, connect with permanent housing.

A roof and a great bed is not all Ozanam Manor offers. St. Vincent de Paul’s case managers work with residents individually on an action plan for the future. Financial literacy courses help residents spend smart and set financial goals. Job training and preparation assistance help them find rewarding jobs in the community.
With nearly 1,500 of Arizona’s over 11,000 homeless being veterans, Plush & Loom wanted to give back. Better sleep has been linked to lower pain levels, better mood, higher productivity and increased motivation. With a better outlook on their side, Ozanam Manor’s residents can be better equipped to secure permanent homes, Plush & Loom said in a press release.

The company was founded on two important ideas: build a high quality mattress at an affordable price and then donate a mattress for every one sold. The mattress is designed and assembled in the USA to support local communities, with Plush & Loom hoping to partner with charities nationwide.
Other St. Vincent de Paul guests had a chance to get a better night’s rest too. Ten of them were given away by lottery during dinner in the Family Dining Room. The rest St. Vincent de Paul will use or distribute as they see fit.
Temporary overflow shelter condenses into St. Vincent de Paul dining room