The fifth and final part in a series of Kirsten Bublitz’ experience taking the Fifth Vital Sign classes through the Diocese of Phoenix Office of Natural Family Planning. Catch up on earlier articles. 

Even though the five-week course on the 5th vital sign is done, I know I will never be done with Natural Family Planning (NFP) and what I learned in this course. I know that the things that I learned in this class will never leave me, especially as I step into my vocation soon. The last class was a joyous round-table discussion, while sharing a meal together. It was a time where we could ask questions and reflect on what we’ve learned these past few weeks. 

I’ve been reflecting on the Lord’s perfect plan, that He directed me to take this class at a time when I needed it the most. I walked into the first day of my class wounded, not content with my body and believing the lie that it’s not good. I still walk out of this class with similar feelings, but the Lord is starting to break down the walls I had built around my heart that told me that my body wasn’t good. I’m starting to delight so much in little things like seeing my temperature rise and noticing patterns in my body. It’s all a reminder of how specific God crafted me and how intentional He is with everything.  

If He’s so intentional about all of these things like my daily temperature, who am I to say that He made my body the wrong way? If He was so intentional in the ways my body operates, doesn’t that also mean that he was intentional when He made my body the way that He is? After taking this course, I’m more convinced that there’s a reason why my body looks the way that it does and I know He’s inviting me to trust Him, that He truly doesn’t make mistakes, especially when it comes to my body.  

Now I’m more curious than ever to explore the other things that my body does that I’m not aware of, that’s all a part of God’s beautiful design. The beauty of God’s intricate design is overwhelming, and this course just scratched the surface. I still struggle to see my body as good, and I think it’ll take years of rewiring my brain which has become so accustomed to believing this lie. This course on the 5th vital sign is now a vital piece of what will become my healing journey, a journey to seeing my body as good. 

All you unmarried women, this class is designed for you! Every woman deserves to know about the beautiful plan God has for her body and I encourage anyone who’s interested to register for the fall class. Register for the class here: which will take place Sept. 16 and 30, Oct. 21, Nov. 18 and Dec. 2.