Some Irish believe lives were saved by country’s prohibition on abortion

DUBLIN (CNS) — In the last major pro-life rally ahead of Ireland’s May 25 referendum on whether to liberalize the country’s abortion laws, thousands gathered to say “no” to far-reaching proposals that could see abortion on demand up to 12 weeks, and even later in some cases.

Cardinal Arinze emphasizes sacramental life in healthy marriages

Pointing out that Confession and the Eucharist were the two sacraments mentioned most often in Blessed Paul VI’s groundbreaking encyclical “Humanae Vitae,” Nigerian-born Cardinal Francis Arinze reflected on the role the sacramental life plays in marriages during his visit to the Diocese of Phoenix.

‘The Gates of hell are locked on the inside,’ Section One

Hell is one of the least popular of all Christian doctrines. Many people have trouble reconciling the existence of hell with the truth that God is all good and all loving.

College students embark on summer mission trips to mingle with world’s poor

Service mission trips “open college students’ eyes to what’s really going on in the world and where we need to be taking action and how much we need to be taking action.”

Regina Cleri to provide housing option for retired priests

After decades of service to the Church, priests “retire,” sort of.

‘Do this in memory of me’ — A Catholic reflection on Memorial Day

Our Memorial Day was originally known as “Decoration Day,” an opportunity to decorate many graves of the over 600,000 men who died in the Civil War.

Anointing with holy oil: Consecration and promise, from Moses to Jesus

In the Catholic tradition, to be confirmed is to be chosen — chosen by God to be a sign of His presence in the world.

CDA helps families integrate culture with faith

For Doan Pham, having a Catholic church where he and his wife can raise their children to maintain their Vietnamese heritage and culture is paramount.

Water and Spirit

I was an undergrad in philosophy at The Catholic University of America when I had the opportunity to attend an off-campus lecture by Rev. Alexander Schmemann, dean of St. Vladimir Orthodox Seminary in New York and one of the most eminent English-speaking theologians in the Orthodox world.

Pope expresses concern about ‘spiral of violence’ in Holy Land

JERUSALEM (CNS) — As the world witnesses “another outburst of hatred and violence, which is once again bleeding all over the Holy Land,” the head of Jerusalem’s Latin Patriarchate called for prayers for peace.