Love for Our Lady of Guadalupe on display at 14th annual celebration

Hundreds of dancers adorned in bright colors — many wearing masks or feathered headdresses — filled several blocks of downtown Phoenix Dec. 7 in a festive display of affection and honor to Our Lady of Guadalupe nearly 500 years after her appearance to St. Juan Diego.

Sr. Mary Christine (1932-2019): BVM sister with personal, ministerial roots in Phoenix

Sr. Mary Christine entered the congregation from St. Thomas the Apostle. She returned for educational posts and ecumenical efforts.

Crèches tell the Nativity story using materials, symbols of local culture

DAYTON, Ohio (CNS) — Each culture, if not every home, has its own unique rendition of the Nativity.

The Transcendentals: The power of a good heart turned toward God

During this Advent-Christmas Season, we remember Ebenezer Scrooge, the famous protagonist of Charles Dickens’ master literary work, “A Christmas Carol.”

Following the light

Night was falling at the end of a gray day. A few dozen silent, shabby figures were sitting at round tables waiting.

Walk in solidarity with refugees at Christmas

Sometimes overlooked in the idyllic images of the Christmas story is the brief, touching tale told in the Gospel of Matthew: the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt.

Classical painting reminds us of Christ’s light

The scene is one you might share from your own memory. It is the image of a mother, father and two children delighting in the sweet innocence of an infant.

St. Joseph — in the face of mystery

At one point in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults program each year I ask participants a seemingly simple question: “Is it possible to know God?” There is usually discussion and then concern that it is an impossible question to answer.

Notre Dame swimmer pushes himself ahead individually, nationally

He added weights to his training routine and shaved seconds off his personal best in both individual medleys.

Mary is loving mother, humble disciple, pope says on Guadalupe feast

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Celebrating the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pope Francis said she reminds Catholics of her true essence as a woman, a mother and a “mestiza” or person of mixed race.