Don’t look at me … And other advice from a parent with young kids...

On a recent Sunday, my 4-year-old and 2-year-old were “having a moment” during Mass. Either they both wanted me to pick them up at the same time or they were fighting over one of their Church-approved books. Whatever the cause, I’d taken them outside to sit on a bench in the Church courtyard until they calmed down.

St. Joan of Arc’s mission as portrayed by artist Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel

On the ground floor of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, hang six exquisite paintings on the short life of St. Joan of Arc by artist Louis Maurice Boutet de Monvel. Best known as an illustrator for children’s books, Boutet de Monvel was commissioned to paint this series when his children’s picture book on the saint brought him international recognition.

Pandemic prompts makers of ‘Fatima’ film to delay its release to theaters

NEW YORK (CNS) — Moviegoers anticipating the feature film about the story of the children of Fatima will have to wait a few more months to see the famous miracle story on the big screen.

Many say late Minnesota teen’s intercession has impact on vocations

ANDOVER, Minn. (CNS) — Priesthood was a natural calling for Charles Untz, but he would never realize that dream because of a tragic car accident that took his life March 20, 2000.

Young Minnesota Catholic continues to inspire 20 years after his death

ANDOVER, Minn. (CNS) — There was something special about Charles Untz, the kid who cheerfully served at 6:30 a.m. daily Mass.

Polish historian questions German researcher’s claims about wartime pope

OXFORD, England (CNS) — A top Polish historian has questioned claims by German researchers that newly opened Vatican archives contain information damning the role played by Pope Pius XII during World War II.

In the crosshairs: Vatican police recalibrated mission during war

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The COVID-19 pandemic came at the worst time for scholars and historians who had been waiting for the March 2 opening of the Vatican archives’ material that spans the wartime pontificate of Pope Pius XII.

With no graduation ceremony, college senior finds comfort in Jesus

I felt a call to adventure in September when my friend, Lexie, a FOCUS [Fellowship of Catholic University Students] missionary, asked me to join her on a mission trip to Belize over spring break. I’d never been on a mission trip, although it had been on my heart for a while. After discerning that this is what God wanted for me, I decided to sign up.

Coronavirus draws prayers to saints who cared for plague victims

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Catholic Church has had a long tradition of calling on saints and praying for their intercession in sickness and difficult times.

Sisters’ work during 1918 Spanish flu seen as model for crisis today

BALTIMORE (CNS) — Catholic nuns emerged as the unexpected heroes in the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic that killed hundreds of thousands in the United States and millions worldwide.