Couples with kids, cohabitating are among those marrying at papal Mass
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Among the men and women Pope Francis was set to unite in marriage were Catholics who have been living together as well as couples who already have children.
The pope, who is the bishop of Rome, will preside over his first wedding ceremony as pontiff during a nuptial Mass in St. Peter's Basilica Sept. 14.
Couple trusts in God throughout cancer diagnosis, high-risk pregnancy
Keith and Donielle Wilde know what it means to live this every day: "Jesus, I trust in you."
Despite some medical complications, Donielle "is doing very well" — and the baby is developing normally.
Catholics urged to pray for cancellation of ‘black mass’
Fr. John Lankeit, rector of Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix, is urging local Catholics to gather for a 7 p.m. holy hour July 25 in order to pray that a black mass scheduled to take place Sept. 21 in Oklahoma City will be canceled.
Catholics Matter 124: Society of St. Vincent de Paul [VIDEO]
In this episode of Catholics Matter, Fr. Rob Clements is joined by Steve Zabilski, Executive Director of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, to explore the impact SVdP has in the greater-Phoenix area. To learn more, visit:
Community mourns loss of Msgr. McMahon, 93
A Diocese of Phoenix pioneer and missionary known as a builder of community whose love for the Church and its people reflected his infinite faith has died.
Catholics Matter 125: Sharing Faith in Song [VIDEO]
Award-winning composer and songwriter, Julie Carrick of Carrick Ministries, joins Fr. Rob Clements to talk about what it means to be a "Catechetical Artist" and share the faith through music.
Our gentle shepherd: Bishop marks decade of serving the Church of Phoenix
On a typical evening, Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted will make his way to the rectory chapel and pray vespers by himself, silently before the Lord. The bishop kneels using a meditation bench and, since he’s praying shortly before supper, his tummy rumbles.
Pope prays for Korean reconciliation [VIDEO]
On his last day in South Korea, Pope Francis celebrated Mass and prayed for a reconciled Korean peninsula.
Thousands converge on downtown Phoenix to celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary in rosary prayer...
Arizona Rosary Celebration Photos on Flickr
Photos by Billy Hardiman. Reporting by Joyce Coronel.
They came by the busload to implore the intercession of the Blessed...
Caritas Philippines leader calls typhoon devastation ‘unimaginable’
The devastation brought on by Super Typhoon Haiyan is on a scale so big it is "unimaginable," said Jesuit Father Edwin Gariguez, head of Caritas in the Philippines.