Humility and trust: Finding the keys to the synodal journey

As many Catholics try to understand what Pope Francis might mean by a "synodal church," he highlighted some of the essential characteristics -- especially humility and trust -- in homilies and speeches over Christmas and early in the new year.

Ordinary people called to be extraordinary Christian witnesses, pope says

Living out and proclaiming the Gospel are inseparable aspects at the heart of an authentically Christian life and witness, Pope Francis said in his message for World Mission Sunday.

Six-time NFL Pro Bowler Matt Birk has long embraced pro-life cause

A lifelong Catholic who attended parochial schools in St. Paul, Minnesota, former professional football player Matt Birk had always considered himself pro-life, especially after cradling his first newborn baby.

Annual March for Life still on this year in Washington

The 49th annual national March for Life -- with a rally on the National Mall and march to the Supreme Court Jan. 21 -- will go on as scheduled this year amid a surge in the omicron variant in the nation's capital.

A year after attack on U.S. Capitol and its officers, brokenness lingers

From beginning to end, the attack lasted less than five hours, and that's all it took to break open the rifts of the nation along with the broken windows and doors of the U.S. Capitol.

Remember those affected by war, cardinal says as Ethiopia marks Christmas

As Ethiopia celebrated Christmas Jan. 7, Cardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphiel of Addis Ababa called for humility, patience and gentleness, while urging the people to remember those suffering from war.

Supreme Court does not seem convinced of employer vaccine-or-test rule

During two sets of oral arguments Jan. 7, the majority of Supreme Court justices questioned the Biden administration's requirement that large businesses need their employees to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or be tested while they were less dubious about the requirement that most health care workers be vaccinated.

Pope calls for ‘reality check’ against misinformation about vaccines

The COVID-19 pandemic calls for an urgent reality check against baseless information and for increased efforts so everyone has access to vaccines, medicines and diagnostic tools, Pope Francis told diplomats from around the world.

Preserve Christian identity received at baptism, pope says

Before baptizing 16 babies in the Sistine Chapel, Pope Francis reminded parents and godparents of their responsibility to care for and preserve the Christian identity the infants were about to receive.

Pope to install catechists, lectors at Word of God celebration

At his celebration of Mass for the Sunday of the Word of God Jan. 23, Pope Francis will formally install new catechists and lectors -- ministries open to women.