‘Open your hearts to other cultures,’ pope tells young people

Pope Francis told young people to always "look to the horizon" and open their hearts to other peoples and cultures.

Social challenges must be fought with weapon of charity, pope says

Many Christians who died for the faith did so, not because they were denied the freedom to worship, but because they were living out their faith and defending freedom, justice and truth, Pope Francis said.

Italian publisher releases book of essays by retired Pope Benedict

While the Second Vatican Council gave the Catholic Church a "beautiful" document on the priesthood, "it did not face the fundamental question" of the difference between Catholic and Protestant understandings of ordained ministry, wrote Pope Benedict XVI in an essay published after his death.

Pope prays God will strengthen commitment to defending all human life

As the Biden administration and state governments look at ways to expand or restrict access to abortion after the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs ruling, Pope Francis prayed that God would strengthen people's commitment to protecting human life at every stage.

Long homilies are ‘a disaster,’ keep it under 10 minutes, pope says

Lengthy, abstract homilies are "a disaster," so preaching should be limited to 10 minutes, Pope Francis said.

Wage peace each day in life to overcome monster of war, pope says

Even though war seems to be an "invincible monster," everyone is called to be a peacemaker, Pope Francis told a group of people severely wounded in the line of duty.

Missionaries are credible because they are not perfect, pope says

To be credible messengers of the Gospel, Catholic missionaries must be authentic, open to others and to dialogue, Pope Francis said.

God’s word, mercy must be shared with everyone, pope says

The Word of God, which heals and raises people up, is meant for everyone, Pope Francis said.

Learn to understand fear, not be enslaved by it, pope says

The best way to fight a sense of fear about the future is to do good today, Pope Francis said.

Church tensions are not new or all bad, says Cardinal Hollerich

Pope Francis did not need to launch listening sessions for the Synod of Bishops for people to discover there are tensions in the Catholic Church, said the cardinal serving as the synod's relator general.