Practical Points for Singing the Mass

In the first three parts of this series we have explored the meaning of sacred music, the Church’s role in preserving and fostering it, and its role in evangelizing culture.

Pope Francis’ Game Plan; Part Nine: Seeking Peace in an Age of Terror

Has the Holy Father given up on prayer and negotiations for peace? Or is he signaling the complex nature of peace making?

La Familia: Primera escuela del discipulado

Crecí en una granja en el noreste de Kansas, donde montar a caballo a nuestra escuela de un sola salón, cuidando de los cerdos y el ganado, trabajando en los campos, y pasar tiempo con la familia vino tan naturalmente como respirar.

The Family: The first school of Discipleship

It was not, of course, an ideal environment for growing in the faith, and it was probably a different environment than most of you face, but, whatever the circumstances, God provides what we need, if we make good use of what He has made available.

The freedom faith gives

Do not remain on the sidelines while the rest of us take a stand for religious liberty. It is more important than ever not to be ashamed to be identified with Christ and His Church in this historic test of our faith.

La oración de Fátima

Cuando Nuestra Señora de Fátima se apareció a Lucía, Francisco y Jacinta por tercera vez, en el 13 de julio de 1917, hizo dos cosas de gran importancia: en primer lugar, ella les mostró una visión aterradora del infierno para revelar el sufrimiento terrible que el pecado causa; y en segundo lugar, les dio lo que ha llegado a ser conocido como la Oración de Fátima, que les dijo para decir al final de cada década del Rosario.

Celebrating God’s Gift of Love and Life

A wedding banquet was not when we might have expected Jesus' first miracle. Usually, His miracles cured the sick, healed the leper, fed a hungry crowd of thousands, gave sight to the blind. So why did He work His first miracle at a wedding banquet?

The first American-born saint: Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton

She lived on Wall Street in New York, the daughter of a wealthy Anglican couple, the wife of a prominent businessman, the mother of five children; she was well educated, vivacious, talented in music and horsemanship, fluent in English and French, and well known in the high cultural circles of New York. Who could have guessed what would happen to her at the age of 31?

El discipulado: Conversión constante en nuestro camino de fe

Amistad con Jesús no comienza con la iniciativa humana. Comienza con Él. “Antes de formarte en el vientre materno, yo te conocía”, nos dice (Jeremías 1:5), “antes de que salieras del seno, yo te había consagrado”.

La fe proclamada y vivida

Cualquier peregrino que llegue ante de la Basílica de San Pedro en Roma inmediatamente siente una sensación de alegría y majestad, ante las inmensas proporciones y calidad excepcional del arte y la arquitectura.