Overturning Racial Prejudice: Mother Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament

From the time she was a child, Katharine devoted her heart and soul, her creative mind and strong determination, to serving those who were hungry and disenfranchised.

Three steps to joy

“Evangelii Gaudium,” “Amoris Laetitia” and, now, “Gaudete et Exsultate.” What do they have in common? They were written by Pope Francis? Yes. They are apostolic exhortations? Yes. More important? Joy.

One life, so precious, tells the story of God’s love if only we’ll listen

Driving through a neighborhood once years ago, I remember thinking that behind every door was a person with a story that ought to be told. I suppose part of that comes from being a pro-lifer: each human life is beloved by God who spilled His precious blood for all humanity — the rich and powerful, the poor and frail, the Hollywood starlet and the beggar on the corner. Each person’s life is unique and worthy of the Father’s love. Each person’s life tells a story.

A closer look at the Nativity story in Luke’s Gospel

Christmas is a major feast day, yet it is based upon small passages in two Gospels.

Handel’s ‘Messiah’: Is it just the ‘Hallelujah’ chorus?

The “Hallelujah” chorus from George Frideric Handel’s “Messiah” is probably the most well-known classical piece of music written for choir. People love to hear it, and they love to sing it.

In the footsteps of St. Francis: Radical surrender to mercy and grace

Some of the greatest saints the world has ever known were utterly changed by God’s mercy. And although we revere them now as models of sanctity, the saints weren’t always so saintly.

Holy and Healthy Priests

We come now to the sixth and final column of this series addressing the recent scandals that have so hurt the Church.

Living Jesus’ call to bear with one another while forgiving, blessing

A few weeks ago, on a blazing-hot afternoon, I ventured to a local arts and crafts store. It was a Saturday and the store was crowded with shoppers.

Freedom aided by prayer: First Saturday Devotion

Can prayer change the direction of history? Are prayer and acts of penance capable of preventing nuclear annihilation? Can prayers and penance increase our freedom? “Yes, yes and yes.”

Bishop’s book on sexual abuse crisis more about scandal than healing

The title of Bishop Robert E. Barron’s “Letter to a Suffering Church” led me — as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse — to hope for a book like Fr. Thomas Berg’s excellent 2017 work “Hurting in the Church.”