Why books matter: Power to corrupt or inspire

I admit it: I’ve always loved to read. There’s nothing I enjoy more than being curled up with a good book in the company of my husband and children who are similarly engaged.

Streaming TV for pre-teens: Fraught with peril or promise?

Catholic News Service's media editor reviews a service from Canada called Ameba, which offers streaming video for kids. Content is entertaining, educational and music-based.

Pope Francis’ Game Plan; Part Three: The Unalterable Good of Marriage

While insisting that this document is not an encyclical or a document aimed at defining Church dogma, "The Joy of the Gospel" is nonetheless an important message of the Successor of Peter in which Pope Francis exhorts all of us in the Church to embrace the Gospel with confidence and to live it with joy.

Follow Pope Francis to a better world

From the start of his papacy in his first papal address when he called for compassion for the poor and then proceeded to bless all who listened, non Catholics and non-believers as well, Pope Francis extolled the ministry of service to and love for others.

Surrounded by Angels, including fallen ones

We walk surrounded by angels. We are not alone, as we journey through life; these spirits, created by God, surround us at all times, even though we cannot see them because they are pure spirits without a body.

Failure in civil discourse leads to breathlessness of spirit

America’s got a weight problem. It’s only getting worse. Today more than a third of U.S. adults are considered obese, according to studies from the...

Plenary Indulgences for the Year of Faith

The Holy Father has allowed the granting of Plenary indulgences for the faithful during the Year of Faith at places and dates determined by the local bishop. An indulgence is the remission before God of the temporal punishment for sin the guilt of which is already forgiven, which a properly disposed member of the Christian faithful obtains under certain conditions.

Year-end tax credit for schools a gift worth giving… and receiving

Christmas wishes for many children frequently involve things that are fun and flashy, cool and hip, or maybe loud and fast. And for adults, often the impractical (or what some might also call “re-gifts”).

Pope Francis’ Game Plan; Part One: The Gospel of Joy

Since his election on March 13 of this year, he has caught the attention of the world. Even non-believers and non-practicing Catholics are paying attention. Pope Francis surprises and inspires, even as he challenges us to love the poor and in them to meet Jesus anew.

Solanus Casey beatification affirms Phoenix friars’ presence, paves way for future saints

The Phoenix is an allegorical bird that regenerates itself. Though it dies, it rises again from its own bones. The city of Phoenix was so named because there was once an ancient civilization that prospered in the desert but it was abandoned. Nonetheless, that desert civilization was reborn and we now call it home.