What we can do about the jobless rate

Every once in a while I like to give up my creature comforts to remind myself of the blessings God has afforded me. But I also do it so I can learn about and identify with others who might not have received such blessings.

Informed readers, informed consciences

We at The Catholic Sun receive a great deal of feedback from you, our faithful readers. During election seasons, the comments tend to split between two different camps: Some think that we are too conservative, while others are convinced that we are too liberal. So perhaps we are right where we are supposed to be.

These are the facts about the HHS mandate

Here is an editorial titled "These are the facts about the HHS mandate" from the Oct. 28 issue of Our Sunday Visitor, a national...

Suffering may come

“ cried, ‘Yet forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown!’ And the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast, and put on...

Human Freedom; Final part of four: Maturity in charity

In this fourth part of our series, we shall now consider the third stage of education for freedom, which is known as maturity in charity.

Tax Credit Guide a timely ‘how-to’ for painless year-end giving

Would you prefer your state taxes go to serving needy individuals in our community? Why not take a “rebate” of up to $400 for our diocesan Catholic charitable organizations such as St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Charities, and Foundation for Senior Living?

Not too late to turn back to God through prayer, conversion

A mother who loves her children warns them when they are in danger. The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, has been warning her children for years. Some have listened. Others have not.

Count your blessings, even the ones that don’t happen

At the end of the day when I put my hands together to pray, I not only give thanks for all the blessings God sent my way, but I also take a moment to reflect on all the bad things that did not occur.

Cooperation with abortion

In my patient’s opinion, she was well past child-rearing years. Yet she found herself pregnant. Previous talks about her consternation left me worried that she would seek to end her pregnancy.

Plenary Indulgences for the Year of Faith

The Holy Father has allowed the granting of Plenary indulgences for the faithful during the Year of Faith at places and dates determined by the local bishop. An indulgence is the remission before God of the temporal punishment for sin the guilt of which is already forgiven, which a properly disposed member of the Christian faithful obtains under certain conditions.