Loyola Academy promoted its first class of scholars to the Brophy College Preparatory Class of 2018 at a ceremony in the historic Brophy Chapel May 20. The graduates are the first to complete sixth, seventh and eighth-grade on Brophy’s campus.
The Jesuit high school opened the middle school in 2011 for junior high boys who showed academic promise, but had limited resources. The scholars engaged in a rigorous 11 month schedule of 10 hour days in study and formation to prepare them for Brophy academics in the ninth grade.
Many proved themselves ready for high school on a Jesuit campus. Every eighth grade scholar took the National Latin Exam with three receiving a Cum Laude designation and one receiving a Magna Cum Laude designation. Eleven scholars took Honors Geometry with Brophy sophomores and and nine took Honors Algebra.
[quote_box_right]More from the promotion:
- Photos
- Video highlights[/quote_box_right]At the Promotion Ceremony, Kendra Krause, Loyola’s director, said “Nelson (Loyola scholar) asked me last week what I had learned about education from my experience here. And I don’t know that I can put that into words but I said to him that you have affirmed all of the best things I believed: That kids, when loved and supported, make amazing strides; that really good teachers and kids who want to learn can make magic happen – without anything fancy.”
The 25 scholars are the fruits of that labor. Loyola Academy is Brophy’s response to a call to action on the simple premise that every child deserves an opportunity.