Deportations bring a bitter rift among immigration reform advocates

The united front of President Barack Obama and advocates for comprehensive immigration reform has tarnished and taken on an increasingly bitter tinge over deportations.

Giving thanks in all things changes outlook on life

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I don’t know about you, but I can hardly wait. The family, the friends, the food, the fun — what’s not to love? The annual celebration is our opportunity to realize just how blessed we are.

Longtime ‘Sun’ editor tapped to lead L.A. archdiocese newspapers

For nearly a decade, John David Long-García has revealed the scope and mission of the Catholic Church throughout the pages of The Catholic Sun. He announced last month that he has taken a new position with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

A life reclaimed: DIGNITY program transforms women who see selves as ‘throwaway’

An eighth anniversary isn’t a traditional milestone to mark. But every day away from the life of human trafficking, especially sex trafficking, is worth celebrating.

Cardinal: Officials who support abortion should not receive Communion

Catholic politicians and judges who support laws in conflict with church teaching on abortion, euthanasia, marriage and related issues commit "sacrilege" and cause "grave scandal" if they receive Communion, said the U.S. cardinal who heads the Vatican's highest court.

Pope’s words give inmates hope, say advocates for fair sentencing

The pope responded to hundreds of letters from inmates incarcerated for life as juveniles, assuring them of his prayers and that the Lord "knows and loves each one of them." A larger movement of people is working to reform the way in which juveniles are held accountable for crimes committed as youth.

Cardinal backs St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee as gay ban is lifted

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York said he continues to support the city's St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee after it lifted a ban prohibiting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender groups from marching openly in the annual event.

New complications in executions bring new death penalty discussions

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- International law, the risk of using inhumane methods of execution and opposition to capital punishment by the survivors of murder victims...

A summer stroll in the papal gardens [VIDEO]

Catholic leaders speak out about policy toward migrant kids, families

A Latin America expert for Catholic Relief Services, the head of the bishops' migration committee and the president of a Catholic college in Michigan were among those urging the government toward humanitarian responses to a surge of children and families crossing the U.S. border from Central America.