Judge strikes down Arizona’s marriage law, opens door to same-sex marriage in state

A U.S. District Court judge's ruling that Arizona's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional "overturns the will of Arizona voters and reflects a misunderstanding of the institution of marriage," the state's Catholic bishops said Oct. 17.

Cardinal Pell: Synod says no to ‘secular agenda’

Cardinal George Pell said working-group reports from the Synod of Bishops on the family finally give a true picture of the assembly's views, counteracting what he characterized as a misleading midterm report.

Archbishop Kurtz hopes synod’s final report will ‘refine and clarify’

Archbishop Kurtz said he hoped the final report of the Synod of Bishops on the family would improve on the assembly's midterm report in celebrating exemplary families, encouraging missionary outreach and emphasizing that the church's pastoral efforts must be grounded in Scripture and Catholic teaching.

Church called to keep hope alive, live in joyful expectation, pope says

The church of Christ is called to keep the light of hope alive in the world, showing all humanity the path leading to "the merciful face of God" and salvation in Christ, Pope Francis said.

Texas nurse with Ebola supported by prayers from her home parish

During an Oct. 13 Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Fort Worth, the pastor, Father Jim Khoi asked for prayers for Nina Pham, a Dallas nurse who grew up in the parish and is now in the news as the first person known to have contracted the Ebola virus in the United States.

Family synod midterm report: Welcome gays, nonmarital unions

In strikingly conciliatory language on situations contrary to Catholic teaching, an official midterm report from the Synod of Bishops on the family emphasized calls for greater acceptance and appreciation of divorced and remarried Catholics, cohabitating couples and homosexuals.

Court’s pass on same-sex marriage rulings leaves plenty of questions

When the Supreme Court declined to review the appeals on rulings striking down same-sex marriage bans as unconstitutional, many people were left second-guessing why this happened and what it means for the future of same-sex marriages and bans on such marriages.

Synod fathers ask: Does the Church need to watch its language?

In official reports of the closed-door talks at the Synod of Bishops on the family, an emerging theme has been the call for a new kind of language more appropriate for pastoral care today.

Synod auditors: ‘Green’ family planning [VIDEO]

Alice and Jeff Heinzen, a lay couple participating in the synod on the family, discuss the importance of Natural Family Planning to the church's teaching on the family.

Because of Ebola crisis, people ‘can’t even go to church,’ says priest

Father McDonald Nah is praying that the people of Liberia are just as resilient with the Ebola outbreak as they were following the country's civil war more than a decade ago.