The lives you have impacted; 2024 Diocese of Phoenix Impact Report
Jesus’ earthly life was all about encounter.
We see it in every verse of the Gospels—from the personal invitation of each apostle to follow Him and the countless meals shared with Pharisees and outcasts alike, to the laying on of hands and the numerous accounts of personal and intentional healing.
Jesus lived his days meeting people exactly where they were along the journey, entering into their very realities and inviting each soul into a deep and abiding relationship. He accompanied others, and the impact was deeply personal, wildly abundant and ultimately, life changing.
This month the Diocese of Phoenix’s Office of Mission Advancement released the 2024 Impact Report, which is filled with the stories of countless individuals and families who have experienced this very love of Christ through the services of numerous wide-reaching ministries, charities and organizations in the diocese.
A Year of Hope
There is a Hebrew term “shalom” which is often translated as “peace” and is spoken as a phrase of greeting and blessing. But it holds a much more profound meaning at its core – it portrays a concept that means “wholeness,” “restoration to fullness” and “completeness.” In Biblical times, if someone stole a loaf of bread from their neighbor, shalom was not simply making things right by replacing one loaf of bread with another. Rather, after taking this step, there would be an active effort on the part of both parties to restore right-relationship and to work together so that everyone had enough bread to go around.
“Give to those who have given a lifetime;” Special collection supports retired religious
If you have attended a university, received care in a hospital, grew up going to a Catholic school or have been moved deeply by literature, art or beautiful architecture, it is likely that your life has been impacted by someone with a religious vocation. Priests, nuns, religious sisters, brothers, monks—all share the unique call to give their lives totally to Christ, impacting the Church in a myriad of ways through their unique charisms, or gifts, and wide variety of ministries, apostolates and mission fields. This Sunday, December 8, you will have the opportunity to give back to these men and women who have given so much. The Retirement Fund for Religious, a second collection which has been crucial in supporting religious communities for 38 years, will take place in parishes across the U.S.
NEWS BRIEF: St. Mary’s girls win first-ever 4A flag football title, while Brophy Prep advances...
St. Mary's Catholic High School freshman Ava Gonzales kicked the game-winning field goal, a 19-yarder with 46.4 seconds remaining in the fourth quarter to give the Knights a 10-7 victory over Prescott High School in the Arizona Interscholastic Association's 4A flag football state championship on Saturday. Held at Chandler High School, the win completed a perfect season for No. 1 seeded St. Mary’s at 14-0 under Head Coach Chris Horn.
A hope-filled home
The pink and violet candles are nestled in their base, ready to be lit on their special Sunday during Advent—hope, peace, joy and love. Each week, we focus on a new theme for the heart, starting with the candle of hope. It’s fitting, as peace and joy aren’t always present in our homes. That’s a reality of living with others and navigating our fallen nature. Yet, we can always strive to remain hopeful.
Bishop Dolan launches historic seven-year pastoral plan on evangelization
Almost 500 years ago, a poor peasant wearing a simple cloak came face-to-face with a heavenly reality in the hills of Mexico – changing the lives of millions of people forever. When Juan Diego, a native Aztec and Christian convert, set out for catechism class one morning in December, he heard a voice calling him by name. He climbed the nearby Tepeyac hill and encountered the most beautiful woman he had ever seen – Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Institute of Catholic Theology strengthens and equips disciples through intellectual formation
Yancy Evans was participating in the Rite of Christian Initiation but thirsted for even more knowledge about his budding Catholicism. The Institute of Catholic Theology was there for him. “I wanted to understand my faith better,” Evans said. He started with a course on Scripture and moved on to systematic theology and Catholic Social Teaching. “For me, it was just a well-rounded formation tool that helped me get into the get into the faith deeper and have a better understanding of things.”
Catholic Bishops of Arizona Statement on Standing in Solidarity with Immigrants
We would like to express our solidarity with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), numerous ecumenical and faith leaders, and many others, in their recent and continued support for immigrants. As your bishops, we remain concerned for the safety and welfare of all our flock, including migrants presently facing immense challenges. Be assured that the Church will continue to advocate for the dignity and just treatment of migrants and will accompany them as much as we are able during this stressful time.
NEWS BRIEF: First-ever Nazareth Seminary Breakfast Fundraiser a Huge Success
The first-ever breakfast fundraiser for the Nazareth Seminary was a roaring success, raising $1.2 million dollars thanks to a matching grant from The Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation. Held on Sunday, Nov. 17, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Scottsdale, Ariz., the brunch included a live auction, music, tours and guest speakers.
You’re invited! Diocese of Phoenix to celebrate first ever diocesan-level Simbang Gabi
It’s 4 o’clock in the morning on Christmas Eve and little dots of light begin to dapple the pitch blackness that covers the surrounding hills. Local Filipino farmers, not getting a break even for the holidays, dress for another days’ work and grab their lanterns as they set out. But they aren’t on their way to the fields, not yet—first, they travel in droves to morning Mass, worshipping before dawn when they will begin their daily labors. These are the humble roots of Simbang Gabi (pronounced: Sim-BAHNG Gah-BEE), a wide-spread and vibrant nine-day Filipino Catholic Christmas tradition, which is 355 years old—and for the first time in Diocese of Phoenix history it will be celebrated at a diocesan-wide event this Advent.